Have you ever tried THE WORLD browser?

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it's very small,only 403k.though it uses IE engine, but it takes very little memory and cpu . and of course it is

very fast ! i have used FF for a long time until i met The World. beacuse FF uses so many memories, i

switched to TW. And it is made in China. :)

wouldn't u want to have a try ?


Edited by eva
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Considering its so damn small it's pretty good, though it still uses IE. It's basically a tabbed version of IE, but its missing some features (like middle clicking to open links in new tabs, i absolutely must have that :p )

One very usefull feature (for chinese users i guess) is the proxy manager built into it. You can load lists of proxy servers and switch between them at will.

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made in china, eh?

it doesn't blow up my computer does, right?

why do u said that ? what u know if u don't have a try ? :no:

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When I go to the link, it says that the "web page is undering (sic) construction"... but let's you download an .exe file.

I don't know about you guys, but I would not download and install something that I know nothing about.......

Maybe after a few BRAVE souls want to venture here....... :no:


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Installing now. ill let you know what its like ina min




Well i don't really like the look of it, the buttons are too small and squashed. But you can download skins for it which isnt bad (though there arnt may skins for it out there)

It was actually slower than either IE7 or FF 1.5 for me, that could jst be me, but anyway, all in all its nothing special imo, just another browser out there.

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you know almost anyone can make a browser based on the IE engine.

heck i even had a go at it, it was very very basic but it worked. (see screenshot)

if anyone wanted to try it go download visualbasic 2005 express edition from the microsoft site.

the reason these browsers are so small is becuase all they do is pass the URL to internet explorers rendering engine all there is to the "browser" is the UI

Infact all you need to make a "browser" is a text box the web compenent option and maybe a go button.

Private Sub CmdGO_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CmdGO.Click
	End Sub

obvisouly it would be slighly different to that depending on what you named the web control and the text box and hte command button.

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@Dragon: Yeah, but yours is little more than a shell that calls IE. The world isn't that bad, if you're stuffed for resources then its a pretty good choice. It has an adblock system, proxies (as i mentioned above, usefull when you're behind the great firewall) and rudimentary tabbed browsing. It's not a virus, give it a try and see for yourselves.

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Yet another IE shell...I was actually hoping for another engine for a change....oh well...

And somehow I just dont like this whole "it's made in China so it must be the best" attitude a lot of Chinese people carry. If it's of good quality people will use it, otherwise you cant hide the fact that it sucks.

It's a browser (in this case, a shell) for crying out loud, who cares which country the geek who coded it is from?!?!

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I found it pretty decent, the best IE shell that I have ever used. It's not the same as other IE shells that all seem to be based on the same template and crammed full of useless crap.

The writer's English skills need a bit of work though. And it's not enough to move me from Firefox either.

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I've been using TheWorld on and off since my last post. Yesterday, I got an email/phone call from eBay to say that they think my account has been hacked through my email account. I have been scratching my head over this, and how it could of happened. And today it just occured to me that it must be TheWorld because I did access my Gmail through this browser. I can't verify if this browser is sending usernames/passwords back to home base because I don't know how to test this, but I strangely suspect so.

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I've been using TheWorld on and off since my last post. Yesterday, I got an email/phone call from eBay to say that they think my account has been hacked through my email account. I have been scratching my head over this, and how it could of happened. And today it just occured to me that it must be TheWorld because I did access my Gmail through this browser. I can't verify if this browser is sending usernames/passwords back to home base because I don't know how to test this, but I strangely suspect so.

i dont think so ! i bet it's nothing to do with Theworld ! i'm using it for very a long time.

plz find out if the email or phone call from eBay told the truth, and any other people use your computer?

and can u remember what software had u downloaded ?

the truth is out there . :)

by the way, how's it going now ?

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I'm a Chinese user of TheWorld.

TheWorld is a web browser only. It never intends to gather any information of any user.

I'm sorry to hear about your situation.


Theworld Browser is a powerful web FREE browser programed in Win32 SDK mode.

It is based on the Internet Explorer engine, and offers more excellent features.

It is a most smallest web browser.The full install pakager is only 454 k.

Currently supporting Chinese (both Simplified and Traditional) and English, more languages will be supported soon!

1. less memory usage(set memory option first).

2. Block most popup AD on more than 1000 test websites.Better than Maxthon Firefox Opera...

3. Fast opening speed than more other IE engine web browser...

Some features

1. Auto fill forms.

2. Auto Hide float Ad.

3. Menu toolbar can replace the menu.

4. Web edit mode In this mode , any text can be selected~~.

5. Lovely skin.

6. support commonly used download accelerator.

7. Translation web page.

8. Memory \ cpu used display.

9. Flexible URL draging

10. Easy to use alt or ctrl+alt to save image or flashor media to local disk.

11. Easy site opening by define a custom hotkey.

12. Auto page refreshing.

13. Resume page for illegal program shutting

14. Clean privacy data in selected mode.

15. Whole page snapshot by press Ctrl+m in 32bit bmp mode

16. Aotu domain completing

17. Unlimited web page zooming.

18. Toolbar customizing

19. Stop or reflash all tab by right click the stop or reflash button on the standar toolbar.

20. Support mouse gesture.

21. RSS support.

22. left or right column support.

23. Boss key.

24.Search engine customizing.

official WEBSITE : http://www.ioage.com

The newest multi-language full install version offical download url:



The newest multi-language green version offical download url:



Official kin forum:


my email: minidick@163.com

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I've been using TheWorld on and off since my last post. Yesterday, I got an email/phone call from eBay to say that they think my account has been hacked through my email account. I have been scratching my head over this, and how it could of happened. And today it just occured to me that it must be TheWorld because I did access my Gmail through this browser. I can't verify if this browser is sending usernames/passwords back to home base because I don't know how to test this, but I strangely suspect so.

Though I don't use TheWorld regularly, I doubt it would do anything like that. AFAIK it is one of the more popular and reputable browsers in China afterall.

As for the email/phone call from eBay, I tend to believe that it's coincident. Also beware of the possibility of phishing calls.

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  • 2 weeks later...


4. Web edit mode In this mode , any text can be selected~~.



How is selecting text a edit mode?

Like, i have a bookmarklet that enables design mode for every element on the current page, so i can basically change anything, IE and Firefox can do the same thing, but how is selecting text a edit mode?

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