Does your school allow hats?

Are you allowed to wear hats in school?  

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  1. 1. Allowed wearing hates in scool?

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When I was in HS (graduated in 03) they allowed you to where them as long as you weren't in class, and then the general rule was no hats, but it depended on the teacher to enforce it... which most of them usually did.

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At my school you used to have to mandatorily wear top hats. Not now though, in fact now hats are totally banned when wearing the uniform, but allowed when we're allowed to be in casuals.

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My primary school that I went to here in Australia tried to force everyone to have a hat on if you went outside because of the harsh sun here.

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we were forced to wear a 'school hat' when ever we were outside

even when walking between classes

and its funny because i used to get teased in year 8 because i wore a hat - i came from a hat wearing primary school and family, and the principal told me that maybe i wouldnt get teased if i took my hat off and that not to worry because i wouldnt get skin cancer from walking between classrooms

2 years later she makes hats manditory because the school got sued by some stupid parent whos kid was playing on the oval for 3 hours and got burned. its the kids fault, not the schools.

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My high school had dress hats and sports caps. Dress hats were for formal or public occasions. Sports hats were for lunchtime, or out on the sporting fields (obviously). They were mandatory parts of the uniform. If you were caught in a public place with out your dress hat whilst in school uniform, you would probably be suspended from school. As you can see, my high school was pretty strict.

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When in Primary School, everyone had to have full-breamed hats (no caps (or caps with flaps on back was ok). If no hats, no play.

When I went over to high school, hat rules was a bit relaxed. We were now allowed to wear any hat we like or whether to wear them or not. It was the student's responbilities for their own health at Glenmore High School.

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When in Primary School, everyone had to have full-breamed hats (no caps (or caps with flaps on back was ok). If no hats, no play.

When I went over to high school, hat rules was a bit relaxed. We were now allowed to wear any hat we like or whether to wear them or not. It was the student's responbilities for their own health at Glenmore High School.

Har har yep that?s what we had to wear lol those where the days we also had some god awful short shots as a part of the uniform:blush:h::no:o:

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My school doesn't allow hats inside the building because "it is disrespectful" and "contraband can be concealed in the hats". #1, who/what is it disrespectful to and #2, if I wanted to hide something I would use a pocket or stick it in my sock.

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yes, outdoors. When in classrooms/lunchroom they had to be taken off.

Yeah same here.

It's not like it is a rule or something, but teachers usually don't like people wearing hats/sun glasses indoors.

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Left school in 1985 so between 1973 and 1985 not one school I attended said hats were part of the uniform.

Some fee paying schools insist hats are part of the uniform.

I think it's a good idea for hats to be part of the uniform, a summer hat and a winter hat would be good.

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MY school doesn't allow hats for safety reasons. There was some bad sh!t heppening there, so the students can't wear hats in school anymore, something about having to see our faces...

Right Killmasta'? (:

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I'm in year13 at a sixth form college, and I can't wear jeans, white trainers or caps ... I can't be seen with my earphones in or a hat in the main school corridors(sp?) either?!

In the common room I can wear a hat, and a hat in lesson - but I usually just stick it in my bag when I get into the main building before I get to the student centre ;)

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The males were not allowed to wear hats inside. Of course the females could. It was the same with tank tops. Girls could wear them, but the boys couldn't. I dunno why the dress code was like that.

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I can wear a hat in the winter, but it has to be a ski hat.

The males were not allowed to wear hats inside. Of course the females could. It was the same with tank tops. Girls could wear them, but the boys couldn't. I dunno why the dress code was like that.

Girls get away with dresscode infractions so easy in private schools. Sounds like a public school your talking about, just tell them to STFU - your paying taxes or something - be a hardass.

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