Any WB theme worthy for Vista ...

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I didn't find any theme enough good that would make the use of WindowBlinds desirable under Vista.

Animations of "molten" skin are a bit funny, but rendering of fonts looks lame in start menu (problem with cleartype ?).

So did you find any WindowBlinds theme worthy, compatible with Vista ?

Or if I reformulate the question: any Vista User currently using WindowBlinds, with which theme ?

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Here is a list of the WB skins listed as Vista compatible.

Currently, I'm using Aero Metal on one of my machine. It's very usable for day to day work.

Aero Metal

You can also take a quick browse through my screenshot gallery on Flickr, just to give you an idea of the skins I use with Vista.



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thanks island dog, bookmarked your Flickr page.... will give a further look later.

I'm probably more picky concerning the choices of theme , under Vista.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If you want something clean and easy on the eye I'd recommend Sexy or Harmony for Vista from vStyler available on his MaxStyles website. Here's a link. MaxStyles Website Yes, they are paid for skins but they are worth every cent. John takes a great deal of care with his work and you'll find many free additional skins - media players etc. - which are made to match those WB skins both on MaxStyles and Wincustomize. Good Luck and I hope you find what you are looking for. :)

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