Introducing .deTuned (PS3 Demo Scene continutes...)

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It’s Rusty Buchert from SCEA Santa Monica again and I’m here to talk to you about another experiment from the demoscene that will be coming down the pipeline later this year. This one is called .deTuned and is made by .theprodukkt, who has been involved in the demoscene for quite a while now. They have done some interesting pieces, which includes .kkrieger, an FPS that is all done with one 96k file.

.deTuned is a bit of an odd beast that offers an abstract and surreal interactive experience like nothing else. It is not exactly a game or an art piece like Linger in Shadows. It allows you to create your own visual to accompany your favorite music tracks on the XMB, and using the SIXAXIS™ Wireless Controller, you will be able to manipulate the given scene by interacting with and modifying a man and his world. It even lets you tweak your music as you play with it.

Check out some of the photos below.

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It’s all in your hands!

That’s all I can offer for now. Continue to check here for the latest updates!


The interaction directly with your music sounds awesome! Audiosurf can be a good time waster.

lol this game is trippy as hell



Edited by Audioboxer
  DrunknMunky said:
Another screen saver game? :/

What? They're not allowed to do something different?

It allows you to create your own visual to accompany your favorite music tracks on the XMB, and using the SIXAXIS™ Wireless Controller, you will be able to manipulate the given scene by interacting with and modifying a man and his world. It even lets you tweak your music as you play with it.

Depending on how in-depth the gaming elements are it could be something kind of akin to Audiosurf in the sense you play something whilst listening to your music.

I suggest you check out , especially kkrieger.

First demo-scene group I ever watched anything by, the .farbrausch demos -

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