Finally! Glass for XP!

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Open the WB Advanced Configuration dialog then select "User Overrides" then "All skin defined fonts to be replaced by:" and select Arial Unicode MS, which is included with XP Pro (I'm assuming that it's also included on XP Home.) The apply the setting.

Works! :D

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I would recommend NOT using this theme as using it completely FUBARed my system. When I set it on the "dynamic" variation of the theme it locked up immediately and I had to do a hard reboot. Just a warning...

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This doesn't look good at all, just makes the windows harder to see.

Are there any plans on a visual style of this?


I'm pretty sure that isn't possible.

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Ya I have to agree, this isn't really anything special. There isn't effect like there will be in vista, and let's be honest, Luna Element 4 is the best you can get right now anyway ;) Might as well stay with what works.

Good try though Skin owner, not quite though.

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I have this WindowBlind on both my machine and my wife's, changed the Font, all works very well, the best effort I have seen yet at Vista Glass theme, there is a Visual Theme available, follow the link " iyiniyin" has put on his submission at Wincustomize, it will take you to a Visual Theme called NGlass, not a bad looking theme. I have not seen the REAL Vista Glass effect yet, but I'm sure this comes close to looking like it, He's done a good job with this Windowblind.Jim

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PsrPimp, have a look at, for instructions on how to change your text in Windowblinds settings, once done, you will have correct text on all top bars. This has been discussed in detail in the comments about this skin. Jim

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I would recommend NOT using this theme as using it completely FUBARed my system. When I set it on the "dynamic" variation of the theme it locked up immediately and I had to do a hard reboot. Just a warning...

I did that and nothing happened

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this doesn't really do it for me.. im glad people like it coz i know it is a lot of work to do that since I make WindowBlinds myself but it almost detracts from usability because there's no blur to set the windows apart.. obviously because XP is incapable of this. But it's cool to use for when you just feel like messing around :)

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