XBOX 360 Release (Download Now)

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XBOX 360 Windows XP Themes crated by NSOrg Design Team

*5 Different XP Themes & VS

*5 Different Wallpapers

*5 Different Shellstyle.dll

.... And More....

XBOX 360 Copyright ? Microsoft Corporation.

Icons by Stardock Media Download (XBOX 360 Icons)

Download: XBOX 360 (XP Theme)

Copyright ? 2003 - 2006 NS Network Organization. All right reserved.

Edited by NewXStar
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It's not a bad idea just not executed perfectly. The start button looks cool and the start panel design could look pretty good if worked in better. The taskbar and titlebars need some real work as they seem very unpolished and rough. The only really horrible thing is the obvious embossing you did to get the black and silver themes.

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It's not "THAT" bad...

But there better themes on the 360

Okay... they are for WB5, but the second one would be easy to do in a MSStyle...

yah.. its THAT bad.. riddled with bugs and issues. very amateur.


you guys should really spend FAR more time learning to use the tools of the trade, PS \ SB etc.. and concentrate on one style...get it the best you can get it.. before u start posting 5 substyle Extravaganza's that are so poorly made.

Needs lots of work and reworking.

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aaa no that is just awful... sorry .. iam sure you worked hard on it. but the design is ...UGH.

Someone should try make one based on the UI of the Xbox 360.. and not try this ugly machine look.

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"how many "design team members" does it take to make a Xbox theme?"

"doesnt matter, apparently none of them are very good at it"


U guys should quit advertising urselves like ur any good at this.. cos frankly yur not... sorry.

Truly Hideous. :iiam:

Probably the worst first page of reviews ever posted on neowin

Congrats ! :fun:

Edited by Fl@sh
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"how many "design team members" does it take to make a Xbox theme?"

"doesnt matter, apparently none of them are very good at it"


U guys should quit advertising urselves like ur any good at this.. cos frankly yur not... sorry.

Truly Hideous. :iiam:

Probably the worst first page of reviews ever posted on neowin

Congrats ! :fun:

Thanks, Only one man work this Team OK

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Man I got to say, there's a lot of ungrateful bastards up in here man.

And to be honest, I appreciate the fact that I know you put a lot of work into it, and it's really not bad, but to my likes it's just too bulky and stuff like that, but thanks a lot man!

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Its ok for a first attempt. A little to busy for me, the start button is cool but I think there needs to be more work done on the menu itself

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Good job and it seems like you know what you are doing. But i agree, the colors need to be toned down a bit and made less busy. I know you are doin this by urself, but there is just to much to the theme.

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