HD Dream Thread

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I think Dreamscene is an excellent feature with a lot of creative potential. There are already a fair number of high-quality dreams out (my favorite, at the moment, is LUXE by NGTV), but as I'm sure anyone who runs 1920x1200 has noticed, there are painfully few dreams at a high-enough resolution to avoid the crappy-looking-incredibly-stretched-out scenario. So, then, I figured it might not be a bad idea to open up a place to collect high-res dreams to save high-res users hours of weeding out 1280x960 dreamscenes to find one that will look good at an HD size.

I'll start:


That's one called Hot Lava, and as it turns out, it isn't all that HD. I don't think it's 1080p like the description says...

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I still enjoy this one, Leopard 1080p:



That's one called Hot Lava, and as it turns out, it isn't all that HD. I don't think it's 1080p like the description says...

I know it's a shameless plug, but this is a version of Hot Lava I created that has a smooth loop:


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Big = BIG megabytes unfortunately.

I can do a 1080 version of AURA, but it's gonna challenge my CPU, RAM, free HD space (Unlike lucky people I have to get my videos to render as seperate frames then convert 'em) and tolerance. And your tolerance as well (it'll be ~ 100MB according to preliminary guesses)

Just asking, do 1680*1050 dreams work well? I think that would be a very nice sweet spot for large sizes (and 1440*900 catering to the lower) if it does.

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My laptop is pretty beefy, but not top-of-the-line (Dell Inspiron 9300 about as decked out as it could be for the time I purchased it, which was about 2 years ago), and loading 1680 dreams takes a long time, but once they're loaded, I don't really notice a performance hit.

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Hell, I dont even have a wallpaper on my desktop, I want every single little bit of preformance and memory.

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