looking for a sleek black xp theme

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hey there just seeking advice. looking for a theme / style for xp. something black & professional basically.

below is my current setup:

It's the Vista XP Vs 2 style. I don't like the start menu style at all. It's basically dark grey rather than black :(

So yeah was hoping if someone can point me to the direction of a theme/style similar but just dark black and better looking than this one.



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LOL woops.

Start > serials..


Black Mesa V2 is good.

ClearLooks Black is also good.

Royale Vista is also good. They have a great substyle that is blackish.

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Black mesas too light. I found Vista CG which I like, but the start menu's real wide which is lame but oh well. Found some others i liked but they always tried that stupid thing that royale vista did. Putting the folder tasks along the time which is annoying. Oh well. And don't trip, that serials link is for legal programs amigo. donationcoder.com, university software. the lot

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If you are looking for a good VS I would recommend VistaTheme by Mirlork you can get it at thevista.ru (Windows Blind version) I think there is also a msstyle version for stylexp there search it you'll find something nice there (I would have post some search result but I don't know Russian ;) )

This theme is the most wonderfull Vista Clone since day 1 of Vista Beta 2 52xx , you can also try Diamond & some others by Windows X all for Style XP if you wana stick with it :whistle:

-hope this helps



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LOL woops.

Start > serials..


Just because it says serials dosn't mean it's warz's - i have all my product codes in an spreadsheet and pinned in my start menu, but yest most likely it is warez

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it ain't warez. and it's the same as the other dude. It's product codes for softwares i've installed in case i needa uninstall/reinstall. It's handy :)

I found VistaCG xp style which was ok. Anyone know if theres a more updated style?

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