is reading personal mail!

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I know that there have been some previous threads about, but there are some issues here that need addressing.

This freemail site's admin is openly reading its users mail, and deleting accounts at will. When queried about the legality of its actions, 'Amy' the supposed spokesman for the site maintains that they are an international site, and can do as they please. (I'm giving the sanitized version of their response, leaving out all abuse and foul language).

I have seen previous comments about the site (on Alexa, I believe) that all emails sent from the system are bcc'd back to the site's operators. What gives here?

Why is it that people are able to get away with this?

Check out what 'Amy Jackson', the supposed webmaster of YGP says to a user asking why (s)he erased his account;

-----Original Message-----

From: Will Henchy []

Sent: Sunday, June 13, 2004 9:23 PM


Subject: Privacy Concerns

Dear Madame,

It has recently come to my attention that you're reading the emails of youre "" users. I've reviewed your EULA, and it states nothing allowing you to do this. Even if your EULA did vest you with the power to read your users emails, you would be in violation of various privacy laws.

You have attempted to hide behind being a "UK" company in order to justify this illegal act. Even if you are in fact a UK company, it is still illegal for you to read your users email, due to the EU Directive on Privacy and Electronic Communications. I suggest you cease this behanvior at once.

For more information on the EU Directive on Privacy and Electronic Communications, please direct your web browser to


Will Henchy


On Sun, 13 Jun 2004 21:25:22 +0100, Client Services


You are not a user.

Go away.


-----Original Message-----

From: Will Henchy []

Sent: Sunday, June 13, 2004 9:33 PM


Subject: Re: Privacy Concerns

Just a friendly warning -- it seems there are a good deal of folks out there who are not only aware of this law, but are quite annoyed at your lack of privacy. And I wouldn't be so sure I'm not a user. The lack of civility on your part you provide is quite disheartening.


On Sun, 13 Jun 2004 21:36:45 +0100, Client Services


Given that I am deleted all of the accounts registered through the last 48 hours, you are not a user.

You people make me sick.


-----Original Message-----

From: Will Henchy []

Sent: Sunday, June 13, 2004 9:38 PM


Subject: Re: Privacy Concerns

And a violation of international laws makes me sick.



Let me clue you in ######. There is no such thing as international law.


I'd like to thank Amy Jackson for volunteering to be the internet's Buffoon of the Week.

This web site is owned and operated by You've Got Post Limited, a UK corporation ("YGP"). Services provided to Canadian residents/citizens are provided by You've Got Post, Inc., a Canadian corporation, wholly-owned by You've Got Post Limited.

You've Got Post Limited

Level 36, Menara Citibank

165 Jalan Ampang

Kuala Lumpur 50450 Malaysia


Fax: +(60) 321.69.61.68

Registered Office(s):

UK?Jupiter House, Calleva Park, AldermastoBerkshireb> RG7 8NN

CA?125 Durham Street, SudbuOntario P3E3M9


now THATS what I call an international company :ro:blink:ink:

Ok now THIS is interesting....

Company Details 

Name & Registered Office :






Status :Active 

Company No. :04639775

Date of Incorporation : 17/01/2003

Country of Origin : United Kingdom

Company Type: Private Limited Company

Nature Of Business (SIC(92)):

7499 - Non-trading company

Accounting Reference Date : 31/01

Last Accounts Made Up To : 31/01/2004 (DORMANT)

Next Accounts Due : 30/11/2005 

Last Return Made Up To : 17/01/2004

Next Return Due : 14/02/2005 

Last Members List : 17/01/2004

Previous Names

Date of Change : Previous Name :




Branch Details

There are no branches associated with this company.


Oversea Company Information

There are no Oversea Details associated with this company.

am going to do a check on those previous names see what i come up with ;)

here is a review I found on alexa...

Reviewer: A customer from Australia

The guy who runs the You've Got Post system is an absolute scumbag. He likes to use aliases - his current webmaster, Amy, is almost definitely a front. His name is Greg Lloyd Smith. Type his name into Google, see what pops up.

After unsuccessfully trying to take a company called Frugalescrow public (total loss) he went on to bigger things. MPC Trading, the company allegedly behind Youvegotpost, also dabbles in small time porn sites and whatever else he thinks can turn a quick buck. All this is fueled by, the 'press release' site he uses to try to promote the companies he backs, and to flame people who look at what he does with a careful eye.

GLS is the genius who originally conceived of registering in Greece, and then tried to sell it back to Amazon for millions. He was sued by Amazon using the RICO (Racketeering Influenced Corrupt Organizations) stautes, and the URL now belongs to Amazon.

GLS also tried to sue Nike, but nothing came of that either.

This guy is a nasty piece of work. He is also a complete failure as a businessman.

If you do a little research on You've Got Post you'll find that they claim to be based in the UK, yet their business name isn't registered there. Their press releases claim that they are in Malaysia, and their actual servers are located in the US. Judging from "her" emails, the ISP that "Amy" uses is from Greece...not really a surprise considering that GLS is from Greece (hence his registration of the domain years back.)

Add to that that their "administrator" "Amy" has admitted to reading emails, and claims that its not illegal because "they aren't US based", and even claimed that there was no such thing as international law!

These are scammers trying to get a quick buck. Use Yahoo or GMail.

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