Windows XP PRO x64 Edition 1218 Preview Released

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Its been out for a while, i registered for the download a few months ago

This is an updated Build ;)

And no it won't work on any P4, as Intel does not have a 64-bit out yet ... at least not widely available!

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Its been out for a while, i registered for the download a few months ago

no it won't. P4 is 32bit and is thus outdated in the 64bit world. In order to use this, you need an AMD64 processor, or a new Intel Pentium 4F (which doesn't truely support 64bit, it justs supports large amounts of memory....its trash).

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I downloaded the preview but could not find drivers for my AMD 64 bit laptop. I contacted the companies involved and they were waiting for the 'official' release of XP 64 bit Edition.

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Have they added UX themes to it yet or still Windows classic? Can I get some screens? Does it have Sp2?

It probably has themes, they are just disabled. And no, this will not include XP SP2 as it is NOT based from Windows XP. It is based off of the Server 2003 code and it currently based off of SP1 build 1218. When SP1 for Win2003 goes gold, so will XP 64bit for x86-64 and Win2003 64bit for x86-64 will go gold as well.

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Actually, it seems to me that 32-Bit applications have gotten slightly slower.

Also, what annoys me is that they made \Windows\System32 64-Bit, and alias \Windows\SysWOW64 to \Windows\System32 when a 32-Bit app is run. Seems to me like they should put the 64-Bit stuff in a \Windows\System64, and rename \Windows\SysWOW64 to \Windows\System32.

This aliasing thing has so many drawbacks, that it's not even funny.

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