First Screenshots from Next-Gen Console (Images)

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Sega d?voile les premi?res images de son prochain jeu d'horreur intitul? Condemned et d?velopp? par Monolith sur la nouvelle g?n?ration de consoles de salon Xbox 2 et PlayStation 3 ainsi que sur PC. Ce jeu s'annonce ?tre d'un genre nouveau puisqu'il s'agit d'un m?lange innovant entre un FPS et un survival horror, une exp?rience unique de la peur dans une atmosph?re angoissante et ultra r?aliste. Dans ce thriller psychologique, le joueur incarnera Ethan Thomas, un agent du FBI qui devra enqu?ter sur plusieurs meurtres commis par des Serial Killers dans un univers sombre et inqui?tant inspir? du film Seven. Gr?ce aux capacit?s techniques des futures consoles, l'?diteur nous annonce d?j? un degr? de r?alisme jamais atteint avec notamment des composants graphiques d'une tr?s haute qualit? tels que les textures du jeu.

From the fish

Sega reveals the first images of its next play of horror entitled Condemned and developed by Monolith on rising generation of consoles of living room Xbox 2 and PlayStation 3 like on PC. This play announces being of a new kind since it acts of a mixture innovating between a FPS and a survival horror, a single experiment of the fear in a distressing and ultra atmosphere realistic. In this thriller psychological, the player will incarnate Ethan Thomas, an agent of the FBI which will have to inquire into several murders made by of Serial Killers in a dark and worrying universe inspired of the Seven film. Thanks to the technical capabilities of the future consoles, the editor announces already a degree to us of realism ever reached with in particular of the graphic components of a very high quality such as textures of the play.

Source:<:) />

Enjoy! :)





















SE...GA? there still around. i thought they'd be finished by now after they bombed with dreamcast LOL. it was fun for awhile, but it turned out to be more like the Mac of PC's. Just another oddball.

Some images look like drawings (i think they are), some images look like shat. the cover looks like a scene of Saw (the movie).. i wonder where they got that idea? and yet, another horror survival game. resident evil 4 smokes this game, and its not even out LOL

This looks more plausible than the EA concept art of next gen console games. Frankly the gfx aren't that impressive, it's nothing that PC can't do right now.

Once again, it seems consoles will be one step behind in gfx, not that it matters for gameplay. But all that talk that we would have photo realistic gfx is pretty much debunked with these images.

Whoa cool

Very nice....but the next gen consoles will all sport new & improved graphics so hopefully the game is actually fun to play.  Also, Monolith was behind No One Lives Forever in case anyone remembered their games


offtopic: Matt do you play runescape? I could have swore someone with your username showed me around yesterday lol.

They look good, but I remember EA releasing some screen shots a few months ago and they looked a hell of alot better then these.


EA released some concept art. It was not from any hardware, just what their artists thought things would look like. These are actual in-game shots.

if these are actually in game like you say, then thats pretty incredible. so does that mean an xbox 2 exists somewhere? or do they just simulate it with pc hardware for now?

and wow, whats with all the haters? the game nor the console is even out yet. how can you even start to make comparisons.

and the person who was bashing because it didn't look as good as ea's, thing about what you are comparing. what ea released was drawings of how they hoped/thought their games might look.

I don't think it looks all TOO impressive, like stated earlier, its like a mix of all the best graphics (HL2, Doom 3, Far Cry) into one game, but I wouldn't say thats what next gen stuff should be... Its more like current gen PC level graphics, which is still very good, just not mind blowingly good.

Anyway, I guess thats a good thing if you think about what the cost of these consoles will be at launch. All I know is that it will be way too much for me to even think about getting right off.

Ya that doesn't look too shabby, I won't lie after playing crap like Silent Hill 3/4 that looked great but had the worst gameplay/plot ever hopefully Sega busts a move here.

Here's another next-gen game.. now this baby shows off the hardware capabilities of the new systems: Dark Sector. It's video footage so you can get an idea of the mint lighting and pixel-shader stuff they've got going on.

Also re: the question on how they make these games when the consoles aren't out, I'm pretty sure they ship dev systems pretty early that are just pimped out developer rigs. I know for Xbox 2 they are ironically G5 workstations.

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