final fantasy vii oddity

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so i decided to play ffvii again for the 6 time. i'm sure those of you who have played it remember the scene in which sephiroth plunges his sword into aeris' back. well...instead of aeris, it was TIFA. wtf?! did i do something wrong or have i found something hidden? i'm even able to continue playing with aeris but not tifa...anyone seen this before?

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no, i remember about hearing this.  it is because of your answers to the bucket ride at the fair when they are asking you about dating.  something like that.


thats fake, when ff vii was popular there was a big thing about playing the second half of the game with aeris and all of it was fake

Well here is something that isn't fake. After you lose Aeris and get the key to get back into midgar (...God, I can't believe I remember this) go back to the church and as soon as you enter you will see Aeris' 'ghost' for a brief second. (this is on the PC version).

Well here is something that isn't fake.? After you lose Aeris and get the key to get back into midgar (...God, I can't believe I remember this) go back to the church and as soon as you enter you will see Aeris' 'ghost' for a brief second. (this is on the PC version).


AFAIK, there are some eastern eggs (a glitch maybe?) that were never found by people while playing FF7 or other games from the FF series (that I know from a guy who used to work for SquareSoft before their merger with Enix). He told me they use put code in some tittles that will trigger one time only events that doesn?t affect the story but its quite unique to experience. He never told me how they work:no: :no:


did they ever release a FFVii for pc? if so i want it or do you know where i can get it....

blade :ninja:


yes they did... :yes:

The PC translation of Final Fantasy VII is fundamentally the same game as the PlayStation version, which makes for both its greatest strengths and its most frustrating weaknesses. - Ron Dulin

Hah! I can't believe we're still getting Aeris crap 8 years down the line!

Who wants to bet that after Advent Children comes out that we'll see a whole new wave of reports like these. For example, "OMG I SAW A CODE IN TEH ADVNT CHLDRN AND PAYED FF7 AGAINA ND I HAVE AERIS NOW!!!1!!1!111 I AM TEH ROXXORZ!!!1!!"


This is definetly BS. The scene where Aerith gets stabbed by Sephiroth is an IN-GAME MOVIE. There is no way that the movie can be changed.

As for the person who mentioned the dating thing, that has nothing to do with Aeriths death. The dating sequence was basically for who you put in your party more and you you facoured more through the decisions you made as the game progressed to the point where the dating sequence kicks in.

for some reasons i dont believe you...


Yay, me neither. :pinch:

And nobody cares, poor me. :woot:

Honestly the screenshot wouldn't prove anything, internet is full of guys who can work some pretty magic on pictures with photoshop. It's seen about one million times.

It depends on what your talking about i'm a bit confused Ive hacked that game in every way it can be hacked, so maybe I can offer some awnsers. Now was the pre rendered FMV with Tifa intead of aeris? or was Tifas chaictor model replaced with aries within the live rendering of the game? if its the second of this it was a glich in the code this can happen. It's not at all imposable (you have no idea how amusing it is to swich tifa's charictor model with Barets XD)

It would be a complicated glich but a glich none the less. If it was in FMV..... stop with the acid. Because that FMV doen't exist.... BELEVE ME!!!!


does anybody were i can buy it... used...



Ebay maybe, or you could try like gamespot. Go to stores and look in the bin of like $5 games lol. I bought it when it came out for the ps and PC. One of the best games made imo.

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