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This is the new vs i'm working on.. i've been working on this since before luminous even started.. and there has been alot of work put into it thus far..

This will be a payware vs, if you've visited my site i've mentioned this several times, but after this is released i'll be working further on my Shuffle VS and "renovating" some of my older releases, and also, i'm still working on getting ya'll a thin taskbar luminous.

This will probably be the most complete package i've ever done..


4 msstyles

1. AeroWin Normal

2. AeroWin Compact

3. AeroWin Thin

4. AeroWin Thin Compact

each msstyle contains:

1. Smooth (default green)

2. Smooth Blue

3. Smooth Gold

4. Shiny (default green)

5. Shiny Blue

6. Shiny Gold

9 matching wallpapers, 3 logons and toolbar theme.. and i'm looking on skinning a few more things if possible..

here are some previews to show you what's to be expected..



Start menu



Shiny Style

Alternative Start Buttons

Tell me what you think so far

Edited by Bubbabyte
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Man I love how this theme looks...Im not entirely sure, but maybe the titlebars and whatnot would look better/cooler if they're the green color you used or maybe a mix of the black and green colors? I have no idea, just throwing out ideas here :laugh:

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Man I love how this theme looks...Im not entirely sure, but maybe the titlebars and whatnot would look better/cooler if they're the green color you used or maybe a mix of the black and green colors? I have no idea, just throwing out ideas here :laugh:


oops.. i forgot a few pics.. look a the last two.. they show the difference between the 2 styles.. VERY different. it's a whole different style, and i think shiny may be what you were thinking.

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So far? Hum.. c'ant go farter than my screen...

I'ts an english expresion?

Oh well, The start menu is VERY awsome! :woot:

How did you that?

It is a real Start menu or another prog like samurize?

(said this becuz I use samurize as a startmenu actually)

But the logon need more work...

Keep it up! it will be relly nice!

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So far? Hum.. c'ant go farter than my screen...

I'ts an english expresion?

Oh well, The start menu is VERY awsome! :woot:

How did you that?

It is a real Start menu or another prog like samurize?

(said this becuz I use samurize as a startmenu actually)

But the logon need more work...

Keep it up! it will be relly nice!


it's very much real... and the compact menu looks even nicer.

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well there is nothing in the start menu really transparent.. the glass look it just a layer over the non-transparent background of the start menu..  no real alpha blending involved, but i'm glad you like how it looks.. :)



Didin't see the BG...

Okay then...

Stay really cool just not clear :p

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Very nice, very nice! I like that multi-layered feel to the Start Menu. One thing I think needs work, however, are the min/max/close buttons. The roundness of them makes then look Mac-ish, which I don't think works here. The "shiny style" screen is better (looks very Sustenance-esque), but I think it could look even better than that. Just a thought.

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