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Noise Sharpening Foobar2000 plugin.


I didnt make this plugin, but its not very well known here so I thought I would give it some publicity. ssamadhi97 of the Foobar2000 forums made it if you want to give him props.

Summary: the main purpose is to convert an LPCM signal, but even more exciting is the Noise Sharpening DSP.

The noise sharpener adds noise in the inaudible range to increase resolution in the audible range. So more noise shaping->more noise->more audible resolution.

It's the audio equivalent of using an image sharpening filter on your pictures. It makes audio files sound "sharper" (clearer). You WILL notice the difference.


1) put the dll in the components folder of your Foobar2000.

2) Open Foobar2000, go to the DSP manager and put "Noise Sharpening" on the Active DSP list. Make sure its at the top.

3) On Noise Sharpening settings, slide the bar to 50-125%. (Whatever sounds reasonable, I think 50% for beginners, 75-100% for others?)

4) Play any audio file and notice the increased clarity. Activate it and deactivate it while its playing over and over to see the difference.

In sum...I can't see how I didnt use this before.

foo_dsp_delta can be found on this page.


Or since its only 11kb, I mirrored it with an attachment. Enjoy!

If you want to see other plugins by this author, please visit:


foo_dsp_delta.zipFetching info...

Edited by neoufo51
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  GT said:
Whoa...really did work. Try it with classical music. :| Thanks a bunch neo (Y)


I know! It makes instrumentals WAY clearer. Try listening to Coldplay or something with hauntingly sung vocals. It sounds dramatically better. I don't think I can ever listen to my music without this.

Oh and guys, to get the full effect remember to keep the DSP at the top of the "Active DSP" list to make sure it gets first priority in processing your audio files.

EDIT: If you want even better output...if your soundcard can support it... Change your output settings to "Kernel Streaming." This bypasses the Windows Sound Mixer and produces bit-by bit accurate playback.

The output plugin should come with Foobar2000 but its not installed by default. I decided to save people the time of downloading Foobar2000 again and attached my Kernel Streaming output plugin.

REMEMBER: Not all soundcards support Kernel Streaming output.

foo_out_ks.zipFetching info...

Edited by neoufo51
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Cool. I listen to jazz and blues music and it gives the the trumpets extra oomph and the drums more bass. It sounds sooo much better.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

If only there were a Winamp way (or iTunes) way for this. Foobar's a great player, I just like the skins better in the 'Amp.

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  Carbonic said:
VERY NICE, Thank you for such a nice plugin!!

Finally, I am switching back to Foobar from WMP10!



Don't thank me. Thank ssamadhi97 of the Foobar2000 forums.

Thats 2 conversions so far...

Don't forget that you can change the Sharpening slider to any setting you like. I just use 125 since it sounds like a reasonable amount. I think 150 might be better, not sure.

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  neoufo51 said:
I know! It makes instrumentals WAY clearer. Try listening to Coldplay or something with hauntingly sung vocals. It sounds dramatically better.  I don't think I can ever listen to my music without this.


I think thats why some people arn't noticing it - humans are more used to listening to vocals

has a definate effect and doesn't crash like winamp 5 dsps (i did something nasty and now even after manual reinstalls it BSODs if i use any dsp plugins - sound drivers maybe???)

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  mu30286 said:
thank you, but i cant really perceive any diff. :(


  PukiMan said:
Same here


You guys have to be doing something wrong because if its activated correctly, there is a substantial change in the sound.

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  noneneed said:
a combination of logitech z-680 and audigy2zs here. i have to say listening to damien rice - the blower's daughter with this noise sharpening filter on foobar is just HEAVEN! thanks alot for the plugin info. (Y)


I was listening to the exact same song with this plugin too.

Listen to "Delicate" also by Rice with this plugin. Great stuff.

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  Maxious said:
has anybody tried turning on the "noise shaping"???

Preferences:Playback and tick dither

does it have any effect? (ticking on/off during playback doesn't seem to do anything so I can't easily test)


Yeah, its off by default for a reason. You have to be a true audiophile to really notice a difference and it eats more CPU resources. Noise sharpening at least has a VERY noticeable and pleasing effect.

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  acedriver said:
damn.. dream theater and dave matthews sound much better..


You should hear the difference with these songs. All with good vocals and music intertwined.

Maroon 5 - [songs About Jane] Sunday Morning [4:04]

The Shins - [Garden state [soundtrack]] New Slang [3:51]

Keane - [Hopes And Fears] Somewhere Only We Know [3:57]

Los Lonely Boys - [Los Lonely Boys] Heaven [4:03]

Moby - [Play] Memory Gospel [6:42]

Nada Surf - [Let Go] Inside Of Love [4:57]

Phantom Planet - [Orange County OST #14] California [3:14]

The Killers - [Hot Fuss] Mr Brightside [3:42]

The Postal Service - [Give Up #02] Such Great Heights [4:26]

Frou Frou - [Garden State #12] Let Go [4:11]

A Perfect Circle - [Emotive] Counting Bodies Like Sheep to [5:36]

Blind Melon - No Rain [3:39]

Marilyn Manson - [Matrix Reloaded] This Is The New S*** [4:18]

Damien Rice - [O] Delicate [5:11]

Taking Back Sunday - [Where You Want To Be] A Decade Under The Influence [4:07]

Edited by neoufo51
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