Full Spectrum Ripoff

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Who authorized this? Besides spending $5m in taxpayer $$$, they charged for the game later anyway. They didn't deliver a military sim as promised and created a useless console-oriented toy instead. I think Pandemic or Sony should repay the army because they made 10x more in profits and didn't deliver what was asked for!


WASHINGTON - In a unique deal with Hollywood, the Army spent more than $5-million in taxpayer money to create Full Spectrum Warrior, a video game that was supposed to teach soldiers about urban combat.

The Army got what some say is a mediocre training tool, but the companies that designed the game got a sweet deal.

Pandemic Studios not only got paid by the government, it stands to earn millions from the hot-selling commercial version, which retails for $50. The company and its partner THQ have sold nearly 1-million copies for PCs and the Xbox game system; a PlayStation 2 edition will be released next month. Sony Pictures Imageworks, which did art work for the game, also earned money from a partnership with Pandemic.

Andrew Paquette, a former Sony art director, says the companies were so focused on creating a best-selling game that they cut corners on the Army version. As a result, the urban scenes are not as accurate as they should be.

The designers "pretty much disregarded the Army's concerns," said Paquette. "They wanted to make money on the commercial version."

Lt. Col. Jim Riley, chief of tactics at the Army's infantry school at Fort Benning, Ga., says his school rarely uses the game because it doesn't offer a realistic simulation of urban combat.

"It's not accurate enough," he said.

The Army says it's satisfied it got a good game at a fair price. The companies say Full Spectrum Warrior was a bargain.

"The Army got an incredible deal," said Josh Resnick, president of Pandemic. "This kind of product had never been done before."

But the watchdog group Taxpayers for Common Sense says the game was "full-spectrum welfare" for the companies - and a lousy deal for taxpayers.

Keith Ashdown, the group's vice president for policy, said the game was "a feeble attempt at training our troops in urban combat. But it became a cash cow for Pandemic and Sony."

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i just think it is incredibly amazing that we as taxpayers paid for the game to get made with our taxes, then we have to pay for it again if we actually want it... this to me just seems completely screwed up on so many levels it is not even funny...

i just think it is incredibly amazing that we as taxpayers paid for the game to get made with our taxes, then we have to pay for it again if we actually want it... this to me just seems completely screwed up on so many levels it is not even funny...


Seriously. :no:

i just think it is incredibly amazing that we as taxpayers paid for the game to get made with our taxes, then we have to pay for it again if we actually want it... this to me just seems completely screwed up on so many levels it is not even funny...


Hhehe, ok, at least someone got the point of this thread. :p

They used tax $$$ to fund this training sim that was intended for the army, they didn't deliver on their promises and made a useless product, then they charged for it again in retail sales to gamers.

Let me put it another way: Sony & Pandemic ripped of taxpayers and gamers, and used tax revenue to compete against other game developers. So ask yourself this, do you actually like subsidizing Sony and Pandemic so they can get rich and drive other developers out of business? It has nothing to do with whether the game was good or not, it wasn't supposed to be a "game" in the first place.

America's Army is agreat>free> game!


It was also created to be arecruiting tool>, and its still serving its function. Not really much to complain about. Full Spectrum Warrior was going to be atraining tool> andPandemic didn't fulfill the requirements>. After the military canned it, they resold it to gamers as a "game." If you are a gamer and a US taxpayer, you basically got pwned by Sony. :laugh::

It was also created to be a recruiting tool, and its still serving its function. Not really much to complain about. Full Spectrum Warrior was going to be a training tool and Pandemic didn't fulfill the requirements. After the military canned it, they resold it to gamers as a "game." If you are a gamer and a US taxpayer, you basically got pwned by Sony.  :laugh:


Recruiting tool or not, it's still a superb game! ( But didn't make me wanna sign up for the army )

Taxes dont quite work that way. The army was spending money allready allocated to the army. I mean, it isn't like in my pay check there is a deduction for FSW-tax. We didn't pay an extra dime out of taxes to pay for this game.

Conversely, They are making a killing on the game. The Army basically paid their fees to make and then some. So, good job by them for a lucrative buisness deal. But, it isn't like we paid twice for the game or anything, even though it may sound that way..

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