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hooo boy you're not gonna last in college then (when you get there)

well get a tutor first of all

do your work, and after its done repeat it

learn the concepts theyre not hard its high school math :D

and if you think your teacher doesnt teach well then use the book usually its much better that whatever the teacher says.

all you're learning now is algebra, not that hard just because you dont understand one concept doesnt mean that you dont know math just work hard on the ones that give you more trouble.

good luck (Y)

and for practice.....

whats 2 +3 = ?


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I already go to saturday school for turtoring in math and such...

i dont want a tutor....

**** man....math is very hard....atleast to me

is there a way i can graduate hs without math?

i mean wtf...when am i EVER in my life going to use like those things they teach me... god dame

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Typical high school response... "WHEN AM I EVER GOING TO USE ALGEBRA :emo: :emo: :emo:" :rolleyes:

The truth is, you use algebra in almost every facet of your life. If you were taking some abstract subject like Vector Calculus, maybe I'd agree with you in that there's very little chance of you ever using it. But, algebra? Come on. Thats something you use all the time.

Not to mention it builds your logic and thinking skills.

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I was bad at maths, and started copying from my mate sat next to me. But instead of just copying from him, I worked out how he came up with the answer (i.e. looked at each stage of the answer and worked out how to get to it). I ended up being good at maths and passing the exam.

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I used to suck at math too, but only because I was lazy as hell, I really can't believe that someone can't make highschool if that person really tries hard to learn the subject.

Just give it all you've got; rip out your internet connection, stay at home, lock your room door and chain yourself to a chair, and study like hell, and if you can't figure something out, don't log on to Neowin! (you'll probably visit a lot of sites along with it, which will just end with you wasting a lot of time) instead call some nerd friend of yours (everyone has one ;)). Stop drinking, smoking and start exercising and eating healthy foods, this will help you develop a stronger will, and stimulate your brain.

I hope it helped ;).

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High school math is pretty easy. Some of the stuff in senior year can be hard (AP Calculus), but nothing else really presented any problems. Just schedule a conference with your teacher and say, "hey, I'm having a lot of trouble understanding the material. what are some resources I could take advantage of in order to boost my grade?"

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I used to be really bad at math. Only because I was really lazy. I had the potential to understand the concepts but I just didn't do them. I started falling back in class and failing every test and quiz. I didn't even bother to do the homework until my uncle came in. He had a word with me. I started trying in math. Gradually, I started understanding the concepts and soon it all came to me really fast. If you try hard and study you'll do well. I went from having a mark of 49.5 in gr9 math to a mark of 80 in gr10 math and now I have a mark of 97 in gr11 math. And it's rising. Remember this rule, never memorize stuff in math. Do the concepts your self and it will be hardwired into your head. Practice practice practice. Don't just look at a formula and try and remember it. Trust me, the stress will make you forget it. Keep on practicing until your fingers bleed.

There's a reason why you have a textbook. Use it, and if your text book has the answers at the back check them and correct yourself if you made any mistakes.

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I already go to saturday school for turtoring in math and such...

i dont want a tutor....

**** man....math is very hard....atleast to me

is there a way i can graduate hs without math?

i mean wtf...when am i EVER in my life going to use like those things they teach me... god dame


you--you're kidding right? :huh:

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