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Hey guys and gals!

I've been stupidly busy as of late, but at night I've been finding myself fiddling in StyleBuilder. I was after a theme that resembled Classic, with with some colour. Not as much as Codename Opus however, this one is really a classic based theme.



I'm extremely happy with it at the moment, I've been using it to develop on for a few weeks and it's still as appealing to me, I hope it's like that for anybody who fancies the look of it. I used bright blues for buttons, scrollbar hovers etc to remind me that summer is on its way!

To do:


Start panel (erk)


I'm using the Codename Opus widgets (tickboxes, sliders) so I do not have to touch them (booyah!).

ETA: 2 weeks...

BTW: Please refrain yourselves from "That looks like XYZ" (not seen anything like it personally!), I've been developing this using only classic with no influences whatsoever. Been away from the scene for months!

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Glad to see you back in the scene b0se :(Y)Y)

Preview looks great!



Hey Rad! How's it going buddy? :?)

Regarding the captions, they are spaced like that on purpose, closer = clustered. I've put a lot of thinking into this theme, things are as they are for a reason. You'll just have to trus(Y)e (Y)

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