Why Do We Get Deja Vu's?

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D?j? vu has been firmly associated with temporal-lobe epilepsy. Reportedly, d?j? vu can occur just prior to a temporal-lobe epileptic attack. People suffering an epileptic seizure of this kind can experience d?j? vu during the actual seizure activity or in the moments between convulsions.

How Stuff Work

There you go.. you are about to have an epileptic at:pinch:pinch:


some psychiatrists ascribe it to a mismatching in the brain that causes the brain to mistake the present for the past.

or maybe a little too much :shifty:hifty:

well most of my deja vus are related to dreams i have had before. i think that 90% of our brain that we dont use is busy making up elaborate things. or maybe our life is predetermined and when we sleep we skip ahead in the story and read a page or two then continue on in real life and experience what we already read. its like your own personal spoiler!! :D :ninja:

The most accepted explanation is that your brain acccidentally puts what you're seeing into long term memory instead of short term, thus making you think what you are experiencing right now happened in the past. In comuting terms, think of it as on-the-fly writing to disk when it should be caching...

The most accepted explanation is that your brain acccidentally puts what you're seeing into long term memory instead of short term, thus making you think what you are experiencing right now happened in the past. In comuting terms, think of it as on-the-fly writing to disk when it should be caching...


i disagree with that one because sometimes what i recall is coming straight from archived tape and not from any disk and i sometime can recall the events that unfold in the specific deja vu.

I don't know what causes them but they are awesome. :p

I used to get them very often, several times a day. Now I get them about once every two months. In most I not only think "I've done this before", but I also see some possibility of what could happen next which is usually wrong, all in that split-second. Last week I had one of the oddest Deja-Vu's I've ever had. It was a deja-vu of a deja-vu in which everyone in the room except me somehow ended up dead with no further explanation. :blink:

They are fun for the most part though. :D

i disagree with that one because sometimes what i recall is coming straight from archived tape and not from any disk and i sometime can recall the events that unfold in the specific deja vu.


Which is kind of interesting I think. In a way, it seems almost like we actually dream through parts of or even our whole lives subconsciously (we just can't remember most of it when we are conscious). That's how we sometimes feel that "something is right" or our "instincts" tell us to do something correct. It's just our subconscious acting on knowledge it already knows, but your active mind doesn't. (Which in this theory, means it depends on how attuned you are to your subconscious and dreams.) Deja vu's are just random hiccups when your subconscious spills into your conscious mind. It ultimately means the brain has another layer of function that allows us to do this. There are some parts of the String Theory which can be transported into this (though it says nothing about this specifically). In conclusion, we know nothing.

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