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wow, very orginal and has great potential. it the start menu was compacted and the buttons very flattened and everything turned neater - this would be a killer style.

but somehow i think you like the 3d (dont know, maybe the name of the style was a giveaway) and this is not going to happen.

this theme is entirely too busy. while i can appreciate trying to do something different, the visual elements of this theme just add unnecessary clutter and cause text to be hard to read. for your next effort, you should try using colors to make things easier to read.

don't take this the wrong way though, just constructive criticism.

This is an excellent idea that just needs more polish. Get rid of the clunky standard XP start button and replace it with something smaller, maybe just a winflag or another streamlined symbol. Agree that a smaller start menu is also a must. I could do without the whole "swooshy" look too. The more minimal you make this theme while still keeping the 3D element the better.

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