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hi guys

i want to get a cat but my mum is always against it. she says cats' fur can get into ur lungs and cause asthma, etc. That is her only concern. She allows me to hav a dog tho. Now i want to prove her wrong....because so many other people hav cats and i have yet to hear news that its dangerous. if anyone have any links or proof that cats are harmless, it will be much appriciated :cry: i badly want to get one :blush:

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hi guys

i want to get a cat but my mum is always against it. she says cats' fur can get into ur lungs and cause asthma, etc. That is her only concern. She allows me to hav a dog tho. Now i want to prove her wrong....because so many other people hav cats and i have yet to hear news that its dangerous. if anyone have any links or proof that cats are harmless, it will be much appriciated  :cry:  i badly want to get one  :blush:


The cats lick the butter. You eat the butter and you die :p

Your mom is a liar. Cats are much easier to take care of then dogs, are much cleaner, don't ****/**** all over the place, and usually take care of themselves. I've had my current cat (Stewart) since 2000 and hes only ever had one accident in the house, and that was before we setup his litter box. Hes not declawed and never scratches up the furniture.

Now the dog is another story. Disgusting animal.

Cats are VERY clean... however they can be very mischevious. It is highly unlikely that they will not damage some of your furniture. But I'm pretty strongly against declawing. If you get a cat, be prepared for a little bit of damage initially.. get a scratching post and some other things to keep them amused and it should be fine though.

I wanted to buy a cat in the past but someone told me that if you have little girls at home, they might get fertility problems when they grow up..

So i canceled the idea!

But I am not sure if that is true.. Anyone can get a doctor's opinion?


I wanted to buy a cat in the past but someone told me that if you have little girls at home, they might get fertility problems when they grow up..

So i canceled the idea!

But I am not sure if that is true.. Anyone can get a doctor's opinion?




Ummm.... no? Unless your cat is radiating radiation or something.

Cats do not cause asthma. You already have it or you don't. Now cats do help trigger asthma if you are allergic to them. If you're not allergic to them, then by all means, get a cat. :)

I am allergic to cats so I hate them.

she said she read some woman's story in a mag long time ago that becoz of a cat the whole family is sick.

It's probably the whole family is allergic to cats or there is an underlying problem not related to cats at all (like mold growing inside the walls) and the lady just blamed the cat.

hi guys

i want to get a cat but my mum is always against it. she says cats' fur can get into ur lungs and cause asthma, etc. That is her only concern. She allows me to hav a dog tho. Now i want to prove her wrong....because so many other people hav cats and i have yet to hear news that its dangerous. if anyone have any links or proof that cats are harmless, it will be much appriciated  :cry:  i badly want to get one  :blush:


If cat's fur got into your lungs you'd get pneumonia, not asthma. The hair in your nostrils is there to keep these things out.

Human beings slough off far more hair and dead skin cells than a small cat. Ask your mother what would happen if her hair got into your lungs. :o

All I know is that Cats get a hell of a lot more parasites than dogs.

I forget the one parasite name, but it is most commonly found in cats feces. Pregnent women aren't supposed to change kitty litter during this time as it can kill the living fetus.

Brighten up, your mom is allowing you to get a dog! The better of the 2 species IMO.

Do you guys realise how big cat hair is? You'd have to be intentionally trying to inhale it for any to get into your lungs. You're thinking of dander which is like dandruff. If you get a cat, keep it from going outside or if it scratches you, you might get cat-scratch fever. This is caused by a microbe found in dirt outside. You also don't get pneumonia from cats. You only get pneumonia from virus/bacteria or if you have some medical condition like cystic-fibrosis. I have a cat and she is the cutest animal I've ever seen. She causes no problems and we can go on vacation and she looks after herself, unlike our dogs :x

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