Favourite bugs

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What are your favourite bugs in games past and present, my favourite is on Zelda: Links Awakening on the game boy (original, they took it out of the DX version) in which you press select as you moved along a screen and this made you skip to the other side of the following screen, sometimes getting stuck and perhaps going into incomplete screens etc. I could also get all the good weapons early :ninja:

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Star Fleet Command II, after a while (20 mins) the game would start corrupting, and the best thing was that it also corrupted your save games aswell. Thats if you could start and get the game running for more than 20mins. (Ive never come across a game released in the alpha stages of dev before).

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burnout on xbox (can't remember if it was burnout1 or burnout3)

i was playing a vs and losing badly, and i got a boost , I acvtivated it and ended up not being able to turn intime to avoid the barrier thing (the red arrows that sort of hover and force you to go a certian way) i hit it at a funny angle and at boosted speed.

I ended up going though it like the traffic does, and next thing i know id won the race :huh: .

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Counter strike source beta. The bug where if a player had '%n' in their name and they died, everybody in the server would get kicked :p When valve released a patch for it, the warez people didn't have the patch, so legit players would put %n in their names and kick all the pirates :p

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Counter strike source beta. The bug where if a player had '%n' in their name and they died, everybody in the server would get kicked :p When valve released a patch for it, the warez people didn't have the patch, so legit players would put %n in their names and kick all the pirates :p


I thought you can't play CS on servers that didn't have the same version number as you.

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Most bugs I have come across has simply been annoying. More fun ones have been in EA's NHL games. Cant exactly recall witch one but I was looking at a situation in replay and noticed the referee suddenly dissapearing. I pause and zoom in and for some reason he had shrunk down so he had his head almost directly on his feet.

I pressed play and a second or two later he was back to normal. From all I could see he had come close to a players stick and somehow the hitdetection messed him up bad for a second. Think it was the same version of NHL where you could score 80% of the time by making a high shot to dump it into the enemy zone. Just do it around the centerline and aim for the goal and the goaly didnt do a thing about it.

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MLB '98 for PSX

Create a new player, hit a home-run every at-bat.

I played a full 162 game season (yea... I know...) and had 500 some homeruns. Yet... if you simulate all the games, the player always has 17 homeruns and 65 RBI's.

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Goldeneye here too, load up the Train yard, go place a mine on the documents in the safe then try picking up the documents and denoting the mine... F R EEEEEEEEEEEEEE Z E!!


omg, i know exactly what you mean! That was so freakin' annoying.. :angry:

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There was a JK2 map, Yavin I think, where you could side step against a particular wall, and you'd get pulled up and be able to stand on an invisible plane above the map. Then there was always the getting on top of the map trick. Not really a bug, but in NS Streets, because the map ceiling was so high, you could get 5 people standing on each other's heads, then as the top one jumped, the one underneath him jumped, then the one under him, and so on, until the guy at the top could reach the top of a building, then you could snipe people from invisible barricades. Oh the joy :D

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In TFC, you used to be able to hold "crouch" then hit "feign death" and your body would go underneath the floor. In effect, you were invisible. In the later versions when you do this, while your body looks the same on the ground, your view is actually higher than normal. I like to use this so I can a better view over obstacles sometimes. :)

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I used to like the bug in Flashback for the amiga which allowed you to run through walls.

You had to keep your finger on the fire button, turn away from the wall and go to run away and then quickly turn back and he'll gently stroll through a wall. It was fun doing that on the first level and skipping the first part... or doing it through "locked" doors.

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