Whoa! Just played "Perfect Dark: Zero"

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Just got back from a presentation at my university by some alumni who happen to be part of the Xbox 360 team, and at the end, they let us play some "Perfect Dark: Zero." Man, it was sooooo cool! Controls felt great, graphics looked good, although you could tell that there was still some cleaning up to be done (this was a non-final copy). New gameplay mechanics were cool, such as the use of cover and the dodge moves. I learned that the new shoulder buttons are referred to as the left and right "bumpers." At least, that's what PD:Z called them during the "tutorial." Only played for a few minutes, but man, I am so friggen excited about this thing!

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Graphics were beautiful, as was framerate. Very smooth, no hiccups or anything. Like I said before, there's still some slight tweaking that I think needs to be done, but there's still plenty of time for it. I mean, the game isn't going to go down in history as the prettiest thing ever, but it's certainly very nice, in my opinion.

Weapon animations (reloading and such) were smooth and well-done. I only used the pistol, which had a silencer you could add onto it, but it was pretty cool. You could also use a melee attack for the weapon (good ol' pistol whip). In addition, there were what I'm dubbing the "beat-down fists" that could be selected. The animation for this is pretty cool; Joanna cracks here knuckles and gets ready to kick some ass.

Sounds were fine, Nothing, you know, that made me sit up and say, "wow!" or anything, but certainly not bad.

And the third-person transitions really didn't bother me at all. It's all very quick and seamless, and the controls stay constant, so when you're peeking around a corner or something, you operate the aiming the exact same as in the first-person mode. One portion had me having to lean around a corner to shoot out a security camera before it saw me, which would cause the door I need to go through to shut and lock.

Also forgot to mention the physics, which are pretty good. One portion had me breaking apart wooden boxes to get through a barricaded hallway, and they rocked back and forth realistically as I pistol-whipped them.

Really, it's quite cool!

I remember the good ol' days of PD on N64. Me and my neighbors used to play 4 player splitscreen on a 13 inch tv (that was badass :laugh:). That game was great. Rare made some major kickass games on N64. I can't wait to play PD:Z. Hopefully it will be just as great or even better then its predecessor. :woot:

..As for you.. Lucky!

I remember the good ol' days of PD on N64. Me and my neighbors used to play 4 player splitscreen on a 13 inch tv (that was badass :laugh:). That game was great. Rare made some major kickass games on N64. I can't wait to play PD:Z. Hopefully it will be just as great or even better then its predecessor.  :woot:

..As for you.. Lucky!


So far, I'm pretty optimistic. I thought it had a very good PD feel to it. Man, I want to go play it again! :cry:

EDIT: Forgot to mention, it was running on a plasma screen, so it was uber-pretty. Hi-def PD:Z! Woo!

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