Question about Xbox emulation on Xbox 360

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Heh, another emulation from me today.

I was wondering if the increased power of the 360 was gonna do anything to boost the visuals of Xbox games in the same way that the PS2 cleaned things up on PS1 games. Or, is the processing power needed to translate graphics instructions from nVidia to ATI going to negate any sort of improvement?

I'm mainly thinking of Halo 2 and the texture pop-in problem that plagued the cut-scenes. Would the power of the 360 fix things like that?


EDIT: Ah, meant to post this in Console Gamer. Mods, please delete this thread. I'll repost it over there.

They haven't announced anything but it seems entirely possible that the 360 would be powerful emulate the xbox at full speed and then apply anti-aliasing. I'm not sure how the pop-in textures in halo 2 work, if they programmed the game with hard delays to load the textures after the vertices have been drawn then the emulation would have to be specially coded to replace those instructions and load the textures. If the delay exists only because of bandwitdh limitations on the xbox then its possible that in emulation the delay would be smaller or not occur.

Yeh we do thanks to Gamepro, anti-aliasing is added and the texture pop in Halo 2 is eliminated.


Could you provide a link to where they say that? I've heard made-up rumors about that, but have yet to hear anything official. That's great news if it's true, but a quick perusal of their website didn't turn up anything :(.

you also need to remeber that the xbox was x86 the x360 is powerpc the translation code is going to be very interesting. also consider this: the original xbox ran a modified version of windows 2000's kernal. the xbox360 is probably running tha same kernal but modified for ati and modified for powerpc. now also think if you have heard of the apple transition to x86 they have a emulation layer called rosetta to run powerpc programs on the new intel apple achitecture. microsoft has to have an emulaiton layer as well to just even get the code on an old xbox game to run on the x360

nevermind the fact that they had to pay nvidia for the rights to do the graphics on the games. all this post has just discused the processor.


Can't remember, I get all my 360 info from the Team Xbox forums which isn't exactly that intellectual nowadays but there's some real cool people there, if I recall correctly though this is a stated fact that anti-aliasing is added and the Gamepro people playing Halo on less than final hardware said it looked nicer and had no pop-in. But their article got took down by old Microsoft.

There are 2 topics that start the same. One should be deleted.


Yeah, I know. I told the mods to delete this one seconds after I posted it back on, what, the 10th or so? Guess they missed it.

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