How to share a folder with Linux/Samba

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Ok so I installed Suse 10.0 to test out Linux. I got Apache installed and I'm able to host a site, but I'm running into confusion when I try to get Samba working.

I have installed the packages for the services. I can SEE (from my XP machine) several folders that are got shared when I installed the Samba RPM, but none of them let me in, even when using my root account.

I didnt actually "turn on" these shares, so how do I do that for a folder, say my Apache web folder, with my XP box? :huh:

  svanwass said:
Ok so I installed Suse 10.0 to test out Linux.  I got Apache installed and I'm able to host a site, but I'm running into confusion when I try to get Samba working.

I have installed the packages for the services.  I can SEE (from my XP machine) several folders that are got shared when I installed the Samba RPM, but none of them let me in, even when using my root account.

I didnt actually "turn on" these shares, so how do I do that for a folder, say my Apache web folder, with my XP box?  :huh:


Thats very good possible.

1st you need to create a smb config file


workgroup = [b]workgroup[/b]

netbios name = [b]netbios name[/b]

security = share

write list = [b]user of the windows box[/b]

encrypt passwords = yes

smb passwd file = /etc/smbpasswd

hosts allow = 10.0.0. 127. [b]ip's to allow[/b]

hosts deny = [b]deny all other ip's[/b] this value is ok!

interfaces = eth* lo [b]interfaces[/b]

bind interfaces only = yes [b]speaks for itself[/b]

[share1] [b]the actual shared folder[/b] comments speaks for itself

comment = Shared_Folder

path = /data1/shared

writeable = yes

place it in /etc/samba directory

Fire up yast2 and go to security firewall and configure it to allow samba.

go to network services in yast and enable samba.

BTW don't forget to set proper permissions on the folder ;) "what I always forget to do."

Also check suse Help which has also a samba section which is very useful!

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