Recall 6.6 Ultimate / Recall 6.6 Enterprise

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The Recall Theme (formerly "Windows? Recall") is constantly developed further and improved since the first publication (version 1.0) in April 2003. The initial stage was very experimentally and still very strongly coined/shaped of the original Luna Style.

That changed increase with the implementation of our concept to create a Windows? XP Style be timeless that fastidiously, qualitatively high-quality and nevertheless in the certain measure is. Thus developed so far never there been a Style with the sense for the detail.

- The Start button is now a spherical switching surface, with which Windows? deposits symbol!

- The title border was covered with a glass effect.

- The background of the Toolbar was provided with a small shade

- The point of menu under "all programs" is integrated directly in the context of the starting menu.

- The task border of the Explorers (shellstyle.dll) was dipped in the grey colors of the Toolbar.

- The closing, maximizing and minimizing buttons are without frameworks and light up according to the appropriate color pattern.

- The riders of the task border are completely new, and merge correctly with it.

In the "Ultimate Version" are contained to 5 colors that give a very personal note to the recall Style!

The special one at the "editing boarding-pinch" that no user defined display (Avatar) was integrated in the start menu is!


Here are two srceenshots:

Recall 6.6 Enterprise


Recall 6.6 Ultimate


Sorry for my bad english!

Have fun

cu Iceman78

Edited by Hubert
  -Hiroshi- said:
Alot better now that you fiddled with the start button..good work.

UGH! Link to the theme! Not everyone here speaks German!! :angry:

Sorry, here is another Link:

Recall Area

Have much Fun. Please sign the Guestbook! Thanks Hubert

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