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General Information

This release is based on the all-new AutoPatcher 5.6.

It is aimed at Windows XP SP2 (x86)

What's included (English August 2007)

Items with
green text
have been added or updated since the last release.
Windows XP SP2 - Critical Updates

KB873339: Security Update for Windows XP

KB885626: Critical Update for Windows XP (v2)

KB885836: Security Update for Windows XP

KB886185: Critical Update for Windows XP

KB887472: Security Update for Windows Messenger

KB888302: Security Update for Windows XP

KB890830: Malicious Software Removal Tool - August 2007 (v1.32)

KB890859: Security Update for Windows XP

KB891781: Security Update for Windows XP

KB893756: Security Update for Windows XP

KB896358: Security Update for Windows XP

KB896423: Security Update for Windows XP

KB896428: Security Update for Windows XP

KB899587: Security Update for Windows XP

KB899589: Security Update for Windows XP

KB899591: Security Update for Windows XP

KB900725: Security Update for Windows XP

KB901017: Security Update for Windows XP

KB901190: Security Update for Windows XP

KB901214: Security Update for Windows XP

KB902400: Security Update for Windows XP

KB904706: Security Update for Windows XP (v2)

KB905414: Security Update for Windows XP

KB905749: Security Update for Windows XP

KB908519: Security Update for Windows XP

KB908531: Security Update for Windows XP (v2)

KB911280: Security Update for Windows XP (v2)

KB911562: Security Update for Windows XP

KB911564: Security Update for Plug-in do Windows Media Player

KB911927: Security Update for Windows XP

KB913580: Security Update for Windows XP

KB914388: Security Update for Windows XP

KB914389: Security Update for Windows XP

KB917422: Security Update for Windows XP

KB917537: Security Update for Windows XP

KB917953: Security Update for Windows XP

KB918118: Security Update for Windows XP

KB918439: Security Update for Internet Explorer for Windows XP SP2

KB919007: Security Update for Windows XP

KB920213: Security Update for Windows XP

KB920670: Security Update for Windows XP

KB920683: Security Update for Windows XP

KB920685: Security Update for Windows XP

KB921503: Security Update for Windows XP

KB922582: Update for Windows XP

KB922819: Security Update for Windows XP

KB923191: Security Update for Windows XP

KB923414: Security Update for Windows XP

KB923723: Security Update for Windows

KB923980: Security Update for Windows XP

KB924270: Security Update for Windows XP

KB924667: Security Update for Windows XP

KB925398: Security Update for Windows Media Player 6.4 for Windows (v2)

KB925902: Security Update for Windows XP

KB926247: Security Update for Windows XP

KB926255: Security Update for Windows XP

KB926436: Security Update for Windows XP

KB927779: Security Update for Windows XP

KB927802: Security Update for Windows XP

KB928090: Cumulative Update for Internet Explorer 7 for Windows XP SP2

KB928255: Security Update for Windows XP

KB928365: Security Update for .NET Framework 2.0

KB928366: Security Update for .NET Framework 1.1 SP1

KB928843: Security Update for Windows XP

KB929123: Cumulative Security Update for Outlook Express for Windows XP

KB930178: Security Update for Windows XP

KB931261: Security Update for Windows XP

KB931784: Security Update for Windows XP

KB931906: Security Update for CAPICOM

KB932168: Security Update for Windows XP

KB935839: Security Update for Windows XP

KB935840: Security Update for Windows XP

KB936021: Security Update for Windows XP

KB936782: Security Update for WMP 11 for Windows XP

KB937143: Cumulative Security Update for IE for Windows XP SP2

KB937143: Cumulative Security Update for IE7 for Windows XP SP2

KB938127: Security Update for Windows XP SP2

KB938127: Security Update for IE7 for Windows XP SP2

KB938829: Security Update for Windows XP

KB939373: Security Update for Windows XP

Root Certificate Update (1st Aug 2007)

Windows XP SP2 - Recommended updates

European Union Expansion Font Update

KB319740: Update for Windows XP (v5)

KB831240: Update for HighMAT support in the Windows XP CD Writing Wizard

KB884020: Update for Windows XP

KB886677: Update for Windows XP

KB886716: Update for Windows XP (v2)

KB887742: Update for Windows XP

KB889527: Update for Windows XP (v3)

KB889673: Update for Windows XP

KB892211: Software Update for Web Folders

KB894395: Update for Windows XP

KB896256: Update for Windows XP (v4)

KB896344: Update for Windows XP (v2)

KB896626: Update for Windows XP (v2)

KB897338: Update for Windows XP SP2 (v3)

KB897663: Update for Windows XP

KB898461: Update for Windows XP

KB898900: Update for Windows XP (v2)

KB900485: Update for Windows XP (v2)

KB903234: Update for Windows XP

KB904412: Update for Windows XP (v2)

KB904942: Update for Windows XP (v2)

KB906569: Update for Windows XP (v2)

KB907306: Software Update for Web Folders

KB907865: Update for Windows XP

KB908521: Update for Windows XP

KB909520: Microsoft Base Smart Card Cryptographic Service Provider Package

KB910437: Update for Windows XP

KB912461: Update for Windows XP

KB912817: Windows XP COM+ Hotfix Rollup Package 13 (v2)

KB913538: Update for Windows XP

KB916595: Update for Windows XP

KB916846: Update for Windows XP

KB917021: Update for Windows XP (v3)

KB918005: Update for Windows XP (v4)

KB918093: Update for Windows XP

KB918997: Wireless LAN API (v6)

KB920342: Update for Windows XP

KB920872: Update for Windows XP

KB922120: Update for Windows XP (v5)

KB923800: Offline Crash Diagnostic

KB924867: Update for Windows XP

KB924941: Update for Windows XP (v2)

KB925168: Update for .NET Framework 1.1 SP1

KB925720: October 2006 CardSpace Update Rollup for Windows XP

KB927544: Fix for AVI files

KB927891: Update for Windows XP (v3)

KB928788: Fix for Windows Media Player 11

KB928939: Update for Windows XP/2003/Vista

KB929399: Fix for Windows Media Player 11 (v2)

KB930916: Update for Windows XP

KB931836: Update for Windows XP

KB932590: Update for Windows XP

KB932662: Fix for DirectX 9.0

KB933612: Update for Windows XP

KB935448: Update for Windows XP

KB935843: Update for Windows XP

KB923845: BITS 2.5 for Windows XP

KB932716: Image Mastering API v2.0 (IMAPIv2.0) for Windows XP

KB933062: Update for Windows XP

KB933811: Update for Windows XP

KB936357: Update for Windows XP

KB938828: Update for Windows XP


.NET Framework:

- .NET Framework 1.1 (+SP1)

- .NET Framework 3.0

Change Analysis Diagnostic Utility (KB924732)

Internet Explorer 7

Microsoft Journal Viewer 1.5.2316.0

Microsoft Management Console 3.0 (KB907265)

Microsoft Windows Rights Management Services Client with Service Pack 2 - x86

Microsoft XML Parser (MSXML):

- KB887606: Security Update for MSXML 2.6

MSXML 4.0 SP2 including KB936181

MSXML 6.0 SP1 including KB933579

Network Diagnostic Tool (KB914440 v12)

Remote Desktop Connection (Terminal Services Client 6.0) for Windows XP (KB925876)

User Profile Hive Cleanup 1.6d

Windows Defender v1.1.1593.21

Windows Desktop Search 3.01 for Windows XP (KB917013)

Windows Installer 3.1 (v2)

Windows Live Messenger v8.1.0178

Windows Media Player 11 (newer build since AutoPatcher feb07 releases)

Windows Messenger 5.1.0706

Windows PowerShell 1.0 for Windows XP SP2 (KB926139)

Windows Script 5.7

Windows Update v7

WGA (Optional!)

Windows Genuine Advantage


Copy Profile Tool

Delete Microsoft Java VM tool

DirectX Control Panel applet

PowerMenu 1.5.1

Remove Windows Messenger tool

Macromedia (Adobe) Flash Player for Internet Explorer

Macromedia (Adobe) Flash Player for Mozilla, Firefox, Opera and Netscape

Macromedia (Adobe) Shockwave Player v10.2.0.022

Microsoft Windows User State Migration Tool v2.6.1

Startup Control Panel 2.8

Startup Monitor


- TweakUI 2.10

- TweakUI Control Panel applet

Windows Easy Transfer for Windows XP

Windows Uptime Tool

And of course a lot of registry tweaks which improve speed, appearance, functionality and security!


BitTorrent is a P2P system that makes transfering large files (or groups of files) amongst a large group of people easy, fast and efficient. The BitTorrent network is impressive mostly for the speed and reliability with which you get files that have been recently released. As long as a .torrent file has enough people sharing then you can be assured that it will start quickly and maintain a good download speed.
Always remember to leave your BitTorrent client open to help distribute the files!


Read the
before installing AutoPatcher

Download Links

You may download AutoPatcher XP from any of the following mirrors:

Sizes & Hashes

  • English August 2007 Core - File Size: 332 MB (348,203,106 bytes)

    English August 2007 COre - MD5 Hash:

    English August 2007 Update - File Size: 39.1 MB (41,026,613 bytes)

    English August 2007 Update - MD5 Hash:

Thanks To

  • Raptor
    for making this all possible.

  • Gandolas
    for all the great work he's been doing.

  • The translators:
    (Greek), &

  • We would also like to thank those who continue to help with hosting and distribution, along with:
    (old main mirror),
    , skyypunk, eXplosive, iverson0881, SteelTrepid, Storm, DigitalScar, mlazovjp, iSix, calidude, cpugeniusmv, SilentKnight, Mace68, Nexose Networks, Draganta, Homer, SHUR, allskin, rpaz (Univ. Evora), Hogie, tkam, Hurmoth,, Deaper,
    , PlanetMirror, AusGamer,
    , and


AutoPatcher x86 Release Manager

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Edited by theblazingangel
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@NightCrawler, see:

@RaisinCain, if you've already got May07 Core + Jun07 Update + Jul07 Update, all you need is the Aug07 Update. If you download the Aug07 Core (which is compleletly unecessary and a waste our our mirrors bandwidth), you would have to delete the existing releases before installing the new one.

Yeah, I'm aware that it's down... A Small Orange are bitching that it's using too much CPU/RAM...

I'm just waiting for my dedicated server to come online, until then I'm a little stuck. I may be able to use somebody's server in the mean time, however.

I just installed this on a new machine and I couldn't untick the WGA option. Is this being forced now? It does say optional, but when I tried to untick the box, it just wouldn't untick. When I tried to untick the menu above and checkbox would do only 2 things, either tick itself and check itself with the box, to show partial selection, but the WGA was still ticked, and it was the first thing to install.

Edited by Zoom7000
^ do you have IE7 or WMP11 checked? i believe i added a dependency to WGA on them a couple of months ago...

Yeah, I did have them checked. I was just wondering if this dependancy was necessary because it used to work fine without having to install WGA previously.

However, if it is deemed necessary then no problem. :)

Thanks for your time, blood, sweat and tears! Look forward to horsing around with the slipstreaming feature, AP Office and all the other goodies.....

I'm also finding the progress meters in the forums very entertaining..... :D

Thanks again to Blaze and all the Folks!

Oh... and just a quick note to the Wise One... the torrent listing didn't show a url for AP XP Aug 07 Update.... maybe I missed it but looked it over.... I was a good egg and used the torrents to d/l everything execpt (left utor running as a seed for about 6-7 hours over night... me no leech) ... went to the mirrors for the update mod....where the correct file hash value on the Update component was given but the file description in front of the value read "core" module.... where did I see that?.... can't remember.... last thing I did b4 going to bed w/my GF last night (yes.... she's hot and she waits patiently on AP release nights....)

Edited by cme4pc
so if i download the core release which office xp version do i download the bigger sized file or the smaller one??

sorry? what do you mean? there is only one office xp release... you can use it on it's own if thats what your asking, it's a core release in it's own right, not an addon...

Thanks for your time, blood, sweat and tears! Look forward to horsing around with the slipstreaming feature, AP Office and all the other goodies.....

I'm also finding the progress meters in the forums very entertaining..... :D

Thanks again to Blaze and all the Folks!

Oh... and just a quick note to the Wise One... the torrent listing didn't show a url for AP XP Aug 07 Update.... maybe I missed it but looked it over.... I was a good egg and used the torrents to d/l everything execpt (left utor running as a seed for about 6-7 hours over night... me no leech) ... went to the mirrors for the update mod....where the correct file hash value on the Update component was given but the file description in front of the value read "core" module.... where did I see that?.... can't remember.... last thing I did b4 going to bed w/my GF last night (yes.... she's hot and she waits patiently on AP release nights....)

Ah yes, I did not include the Update releases this month, figuring Core would be fine.

When I get manual control back over the tracker (as it's currently on borrowed hosting with no FTP etc) I'll whack up the update torrents. (Might be tomorrow, if not it'll be next Monday or Tuesday I'm afraid - I'm attending Reading Festival)

so if i download the core release which office xp version do i download the bigger sized file or the smaller one??

AP for Office is OS independent so it doesn't matter what operating system you install it on:

If you have Office 2002/XP on your system, download AP Office 2002

If you have Office 2003 on your system, download AP Office 2003

If you have Office 2007 on your system, download AP Office 2007

The Office Add-on Pack has updates for all three versions of Office. Only the ones that are detected as compatable with your version of Office will display. Also remember to have the latest Office service pack or the updates won't appear.


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