November 2007 Desktops

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November 2007 Desktops - Posting Guidelines

* If you plan to img-embed your desktop, please try to keep it under 100k (It's recommended that you link it, externally).

* Stay within the board ruleset, no matter how yummy you may believe it to be.

* If you are going to quote, there isn't a need to quote an img-embeded picture - Just don't do it. Please just reference the post by page number/page link/etc.

* Off Topic Posts will be edited or removed.

* The desktops thread is not to be used as a means to post images of a pornographic or otherwise provocative nature. We do not support a babes forum and neither will we in an unofficial capacity. Please help to keep the thread relevant and safe to browse for everyone.

* The moderators of this forum reserve the right to edit or remove your posts as necessary so they may comply with our Community Rules.

* In the interests of keeping the thread on topic it is strongly urged that you format your posts in the following order:

Themes: Name/where you got it (with link would be nice).

Wallpaper: Name/where you got it (with link would be nice).

Icons: Name/where you got it (with link would be nice).

Programs: Name/where you got it (with link would be nice).

* Please use reduced-size thumbnails, where possible, out of respect for people running on lower bandwidth or screen resolutions.

Important Note: Any image posted that is over 800 x 600 will be removed! Use a thumbnail or use a text link to your image. If your image is removed, this is why.


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clean-ish. picture2ji8.jpg

not so clean-ish. picture1av4.jpg

dashboard. picture3ou3.jpg

Same stuff for me still, had this desk for like over a month now i guess, cant be ****ed changing anything (getting leopard very very soon)

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