Any Visual Style that is a replicate of this WB skin?

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Hi, In fact I have 2 questions here so please endure me...

I love to change the boring interface of XP from time to time so I depended on StyleXP which I liked (even though many people hate it) because it allowed me to apply any visual style but respecting the applied theme!!! i.e. I can apply whatever visual style I like and then set ONCE my "menu bar", "Active/Inactive tittle bar", "Message Box" and "icon" font style/size (these are the most imp. 4 elements for my eyes to be relaxed) and save this to a theme and then I can apply whatever more visual styles on top of that theme so the resultant is having newer visuals but they doesn't approach the TABU areas (the font size/style of the aforementioned 4 items)

Now, I upgraded to SP3 and i realized at once that StyleXP can't live with it so I had 2 ditch StyleXP (and very sad 2 do this) and tried Window Blinds which i didn't like at all coz each skin i apply, it plays with the fonts of my TABU items in a way which does no make my eyes comfortable (I tried to check that option which tells WB to ignore any system wide fonts used by the skin but still the skins still apply their own fonts styles/sizes :crazy: in a small way which does not make me feel comfortable at all) so I had to ditch it completely from my machine.

NOW, i depended on the last resort which is patching the uxtheme but each time I apply a new visual style, I have to go to the "Appearance" tab and adjust the 4 items which is very boring process 4 me.

Now, I wanna ask 2 questions:

1) Is there a way to overcome this boring process (because i feel like StyleXP is dead for ever and won't be upgraded anymore)

2) Is there a visual style that looks exactly or close to this one "Light Blue" and "iskin" and "OSXP NG"

VERY SORRY guys for being talkative (but I really can't make sense with my 1st question if i did not make a good introduction) and I wish I find any solution to my questions especially question 1

THANK you in advance.

Edited by magoood
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If your main concern is the fonts, I would suggest that you find a VS that you like, and use ResEdit to go in there and change the fonts in the text files.

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If your main concern is the fonts, I would suggest that you find a VS that you like, and use ResEdit to go in there and change the fonts in the text files.

But this is the same amount (or more) of work - right ? because I have to do this to EVERY visual style?!

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But this is the same amount (or more) of work - right ? because I have to do this to EVERY visual style?!

Well, you mentioned having to alter the fonts every time you apply a new VS. If you go into the file and change the fonts there, you only have to do it the one time and they will be permanently changed.

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