PSP Go Hands-On Impressions - Comparison pics to DS/PSP 3000 sizing

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Sony introduced the PSP Go at today's E3 media briefing, a smaller, pricier alternative to the already available PSP-3000. That new model was available on the E3 show floor, attached to new PSP games. We got to go hands on when the show opened.

The PSP Go is much more narrow than the original, a tiny little device that features the same visual quality, just with a half-inch smaller LCD screen. That smaller hardware footprint means a much tighter control layout, with the analog control nub moved to the right of the digital directional pad, making for a wider reach with the left thumb.

That move to the right will take some getting used to. It doesn't feel natural, but doesn't necessarily feel bad. It's just that my thumb reflexively went for the d-pad. That's no good for a game like SOCOM Navy SEALs Fire Team Bravo 3, which uses the analog for player control.

On the more positive side, the PSP Go's d-pad and face buttons?square, circle, triangle, X?feel more precise, more "digital" than the squishier controls on the original PSP. They feel really tight.

The new shoulder buttons, which now reside behind the slide up screen feel fine. Not particularly good, not particularly bad. Just something that's going to take a little time adjusting to, if you're used to the beefier L and R buttons on the current PSP.

Weight-wise, we really couldn't tell how much lighter the PSP Go was. It was locked down and attached to a bulkier weight, so no feel impressions there. Same for the slider. That was locked down too.

The relocation of the audio and display buttons from the face of the PSP to the top of the device on the PSP Go makes sense. I had expected those two buttons to be replaced with a software adjustment solution, but it appears the PSP OS is identical to what's already available. Tapping the PS (or Home) button launches you into a familiar interface.

The PSP Go feels solid. Tiny, but solid. Those hands are mine, and they're a bit on the wee side. Adjust the size of your hands accordingly.


I'll post more impressions as I find them...

Some more pics





As I posted in the other topic, the analog stick on the PSP1000-3000 is in a worse place. Put your thumb on it, your thumb is almost at a right angle, which gives you cramp. This allows your thumb to stretch out more naturally. I'll eat my assumptions if it is uncomfortable, but logic tells me it should be more comfortable.

My test on my PSP1000 is putting my thumb around the Home and Volume buttons, as opposed to arched up on the left hand corner.

This might be a dumb question, and I am 99.5% I know the answer, but I have to ask it to be sure as I was not paying all that much attention during the PSP side of things and I also honestly do not follow anything PSP related usually...

So all of those good PSP games that were announced today, mainly LBP, GT, MGS, will all play on my first gen PSP no problems right?

I will probably get a GO eventually probably, once people unleash its true potential with the homebrew and the price goes down a bit, but I do want to play those three games above on the PSP.

  DirtyLarry said:
This might be a dumb question, and I am 99.5% I know the answer, but I have to ask it to be sure as I was not paying all that much attention during the PSP side of things and I also honestly do not follow anything PSP related usually...

So all of those good PSP games that were announced today, mainly LBP, GT, MGS, will all play on my first gen PSP no problems right?

I will probably get a GO eventually probably, once people unleash its true potential with the homebrew and the price goes down a bit, but I do want to play those three games above on the PSP.

Yes, even if they don't get a UMD release, the PSP1000-3000 can use the PSP online store. You'll just need to download onto your own memory sticks.

  DirtyLarry said:
This might be a dumb question, and I am 99.5% I know the answer, but I have to ask it to be sure as I was not paying all that much attention during the PSP side of things and I also honestly do not follow anything PSP related usually...

So all of those good PSP games that were announced today, mainly LBP, GT, MGS, will all play on my first gen PSP no problems right?

I will probably get a GO eventually probably, once people unleash its true potential with the homebrew and the price goes down a bit, but I do want to play those three games above on the PSP.

Games from now on that are announced and released for the PSP will come in both digital downloads through the PSN store and through UMD's.

  DirtyLarry said:
This might be a dumb question, and I am 99.5% I know the answer, but I have to ask it to be sure as I was not paying all that much attention during the PSP side of things and I also honestly do not follow anything PSP related usually...

So all of those good PSP games that were announced today, mainly LBP, GT, MGS, will all play on my first gen PSP no problems right?

I will probably get a GO eventually probably, once people unleash its true potential with the homebrew and the price goes down a bit, but I do want to play those three games above on the PSP.

On Qore the guy said that they are going to release the game in physical and digital format. I'm not sure what they said in the conference.

Release date is October 1st of this year.

  KoL said:
That's really small but $250????? I don't think a lot of people are going to buy it when they can get another PSP for $170

That's exactly what I'm thinking. I paid $279 for my original PSP-1000 which is exactly the price this is selling for. Thank god I sold it...because I can pick up a PSP-3000 for $160 brand new, which is what I might just end up doing.

Didn't they say GT Mobile would be available to testers on the floor? Anymore pictures of that running on the PSP Go?

Remember unless you plan on buying UMDs you need to buy storage for your PSP3000 and the PSP Go comes with 16GB. How much would a 16GB card for your PSP3000 cost you on top of it's retail price? I think Sony do bundle them with a 2GB or 4GB card though.

Hands on video of this PSP in motion

edit: Using the analog stick looks fairly easy

The new MGS game, GT and LBP on PSP really make me want to get a PSP now (get to play MGS Portable Ops and the two GTA games too). Tempted, but not sure how much I'd use it. Hardly ever use my DS Lite any more tbh.

PSP Go looks really neat. Be awesome to use for music to replace my stand in mp3 player that I'm using until Zune HD launches. So it could potentially replace my need for a Zune HD. But that price tag. :/ Could be tempted to get a PSP 3000 instead (if at all).

Anyway, good to see that "most" existing PSP games are coming to PSN for download, as mentioned in the video on the US PlayStation blog (not sure how many are already on there, lol).

  Audioboxer said:
Hands on video of this PSP in motion

edit: Using the analog stick looks fairly easy

Yeah actually looks quite comfortable. I think people have overestimated the size of the new PSP. Those comparison shots beside the DS show it's actually an ideal size to be portable.

Sony's Peter Dille apparently has his own white PSP Go :p


No details on release...

Also there's a new video of it sliding/closing here, sliding it open turns it on also -

  Ji@nBing said:
Smaller screen = fail.

It's still the largest screen out of the three, it's bigger than the iPhone. iPhone is 3.5", this is 3.8".

If you want a more portable device the screen is going to come down in size considering the real estate the PSP1000-3000 screens take up. If you don't want a more portable device buy a PSP3000, simple.

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