Messenger Plus Live Spam? (

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I was chatting with a friend, and had only WLM (with Messenger Plus Live open) and OneNote 2010 open. Suddenly this popped up out of nowhere:


Looking at the styling of the toast, it's very likely that it originated from Messenger Plus Live. But how? :blink:

Has anyone else received this same toast?

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I took one of the regular toasts that MPL generates and made it overlay this one. The close button matched up, but it was off by a few pixels:


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I'm pretty sure I did not install the sponsor, and running the MPL uninstaller confirms this. The button to uninstall the sponsor is greyed out.

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Could be a bug in the installer ... I can't see the developer putting this in without authorisation from the user. It's a pretty reputable product I'm sure. Still, I have it installed and I have zero pop ups, and no issues. And I have the very latest version installed just today.

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