HELP! Windows 8 won't install!

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I just tried installing as the drive detection before you install windows 8 shows a "volume" and a "partition" which windows 7 does not do:


I tried formatting the partition and then installing but at the end of the installation i get this:


says: "windows could not update the computer's boot configuration. Installation cannot proceed."


Here is my laptop specs:

Intel Core i5 m430 2.2ghz

6gb ddr3

Chipset: Intel HM55

Win7 setup just shows a 100mb partition, 41.5gb partition and my storage drive 424.2GB.

PLEASE HELP as i formatted my win7 installation now, having to borrow another laptop temporarily.

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Boot from 7 or 8 DVD and goto Repair console > Command Prompt (Hit enter after each line)



list disk

select disk x (x = being the disk number of your HDD)


create partition primary


format fs=ntfs quick



Reboot and try setup again (I use this for USB drives, but they are not partitioned, I imagine this will kill all partitions on the disk and create just one new one)

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I got this on one of my machines. Windows 8 disc just refused to format drives for me. I booted to a windows 7 disc, formatted the drive, then back to Windows 8 disc for a successful install. It was very strange.

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I just tried formatting the 100mb partition then installed it on the 41.5gb partition again, didn't help.

I am using an iso from msdn btw not an earlier leaked image. I'll try and install windows 7 and format the 41.5gb partition and then try win8 installation again. I don't want to the commands a few posts up as i need the data on the 424gb partition.

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I would suggest deleting the 100MB partition.... I'm guessing its an OEM partition that's probably f-ing things up?

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I would suggest deleting the 100MB partition.... I'm guessing its an OEM partition that's probably f-ing things up?

can't delete it, can only format it:(

Now win7 setup see's all those 5 partitions and volumes too instead of just 3 partitions :( I tried formatting the 100mb and 41.5gb from win7 installation then exited and starting win8 installation, will see if it works this time. I doubt it. Will try installing win7 if it doesn't work.

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If you don't need anything on the drive anymore then go to repair on the disc, open a command console, then run DISKPART.

Type "LIST DISK" and find the disk number for the drive you want, then type "SELECT DISK x" and "CLEAN".

Fair warning: there are no prompts. It will instantly wipe the drive's partition table.

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Can you not select each partition and click on 'Drive Options (Advanced)' and you should be able to delete each partition there and start with a fresh install.

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I just tried formatting the 100mb partition then installed it on the 41.5gb partition again, didn't help.

I am using an iso from msdn btw not an earlier leaked image. I'll try and install windows 7 and format the 41.5gb partition and then try win8 installation again. I don't want to the commands a few posts up as i need the data on the 424gb partition.

Boot a live Ubuntu CD and use gparted I think its called, to delete the partition you want to use for 8

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Can you not select each partition and click on 'Drive Options (Advanced)' and you should be able to delete each partition there and start with a fresh install.

it won't let me.

I've never had any of these problems before with win7 but now in the win7 and win8 setup.

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Run Darik's Boot and Nuke to clear everything on the drive, including the Partitions. (Writing Zero's)

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Boot a live Ubuntu CD and use gparted I think its called, to delete the partition you want to use for 8

yeah i've already thought about booting up ubuntu if win7 can't install. Either that or put the 2.5" hdd in a usb caddy and attach it to the laptop i have borrowed. I'm going to install win7 now if it lets me. I have yet to try the "upgrade" option instead of "custom (advanced)" either.

If i try to format the "volume" 41.5gb i get this message "failed to format the selected partition. [Error: 0x80004005]." but i can format the 41.5gb "partition".

installing win7 now, will see if it can complete.

Run Darik's Boot and Nuke to clear everything on the drive, including the Partitions. (Writing Zero's)

i'm wanting to keep the data on my 424gb storage partition.

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it won't let me.

I've never had any of these problems before with win7 but now in the win7 and win8 setup.

You have them set up as dynamic drives. They're a pain in the butt. The diskpart clean should fix it, though.

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yeah i've already thought about booting up ubuntu if win7 can't install. Either that or put the 2.5" hdd in a usb caddy and attach it to the laptop i have borrowed. I'm going to install win7 now if it lets me. I have yet to try the "upgrade" option instead of "custom (advanced)" either.

Yea having the HDD as a secondary drive either from windows or linux will give you the best chance to rebuild the partitions, probably linux would care the least about the drives state and things like permissions that windows might struggle with

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Actually, there's a few things here...

First, don't delete the initial 100MB partition. That's basically the stubbed area for Windows to put it's boot info. (It's for bootstrapping. Vista was the first MS OS to do that, Linux has been using /boot for quite some time.) - It will never use the full 100MB, however I'm guessing that 100MB is a nice round number. Most will use 20-25MB.

Looks like you have a volume set up, not a typical partition layout. Any reason why?

To dual boot, the best layout is:

Partition 1 - 100MB (Boot)

Partition 2 - Windows x

Partition 3 - Windows y

I have a number of dual boot Windows 7 and 8 systems now are they are running perfect.

For more info on partitions and types, check this out:

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What are those dynamic disks anyway?

It's a partitioning scheme that lets you use drives more with more flexibility. You can mirror them, extend them to other drives, etc. They can get wonky when you try to install Windows on them, though.

@Kaos: deleting the system partition is fine if you're doing a clean install. Windows Vista+ will create a new one if the drive is blank.

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i used to have 3 or 4 partitions and could only do that with dynamic discs. Win7 didn't install, same problem as with win8, i'll try the win8 "upgrade" now, if that doesn't work i'll try ubuntu.

win8 "upgrade" wouldn't let me install.

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i used to have 3 or 4 partitions and could only do that with dynamic discs. Win7 didn't install, same problem as with win8, i'll try the win8 "upgrade" now, if that doesn't work i'll try ubuntu.

Unless I'm missing something here, you can have as many partitions as you want. The trick is, you can only install Windows on a primary partition, and there can be only max. 4 primaries (or 3 primaries, if you want more than 4 partitions - in this case the last partition serves as a "container" for all the additional ones, that are called logical partitions).

Your best bet is nuking the partition table with gparted and creating them from scratch.

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Unless I'm missing something here, you can have as many partitions as you want. The trick is, you can only install Windows on a primary partition, and there can be only max. 4 primaries (or 3 primaries, if you want more than 4 partitions - in this case the last partition serves as a "container" for all the additional ones, that are called logical partitions).

Yeah, i wanted winxp, win7 and ubuntu on it and windows would only allow me to do that with dynamic disks :( I'm going to try ubuntu live usb stick. I just want to delete all partitions except the 424gb partition as i need that data badly.

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Yeah, i wanted winxp, win7 and ubuntu on it and windows would only allow me to do that with dynamic disks :(

That should still be doable? Linux distributions, for what I know, have no problems with installing themselves on logical disks - I've done that myself.

Windows XP and 7 would occupy the first 3 primaries.

Another thing to note is (as I remember correctly) if instead of unpartitioned space you choose an existing partition for Windows Vista/7/8 install, it won't create the 100mb partition and instead will assign the boot flag to an existing one.

If you don't have any sensitive data on that disk, I suggest you playing with it some more and exploiting all the options that the fellow forum members gave you.

Otherwise you might want to buy a separate disk for your secondary system, which isn't a half bad idea either - that's how I've been doing it for some time now (the difference being you don't get a bootloader menu but instead choose which disk to boot from the POST screen)

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That should still be doable? Linux distributions, for what I know, have no problems with installing themselves on logical disks - I've done that myself. Windows XP and 7 would occupy the first 3 primaries.

think i wanted 1 for storage too. Windows came up with an error message saying you had to use dynamic, tried with easeus partition master too but that didn't help.

just tried ubuntu, i got this error: 2irw7bk.jpg

Windows sees an unformatted hdd when attached to a usb caddy. I WANT TO BREAK DOWN AND CRY!

Getdataback for windows attached via usb caddy seems is able to read my files, HALLELUJAH! there is a god after all. From now on i will make regular backups on dvd's. my lesson has been learn't. I want to kiss the creator of getdataback.

I'm now going to transfer all the files off my hdd then give it a proper format with no stupid dynamic discs anymore. You cannot believe the cold sweat and heavy breathing i've had tonight as i had some extremely important documents on there.


thanks for your help guys.

Windows 8 + dynamic disks = SUICIDE!

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I've never found any way to reliably undo the dynamic disk thing. You'll just have to figure out a way to back your files up. :(

All the suggestions involving binhexing the partition table I've found on the 'net have failed miserably.

It's not just Win8... it's dynamic disks in general. If you enable it on your system drive it's pain.

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