Yet another Java zero day...

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One day after patching a massive zero day exploit, Oracle once again finds themselves in a hole with a new zero day exploit found in Java.

On Monday, a hacker posted a message he was selling a new zero day kit to lucky buyers - for $5,000 each.


?New Java 0day, selling to 2 people, 5k$ per person

And you thought Java had epically failed when the last 0day came out. I lol?d. The best part is even-though java has failed once again and let users get compromised? guess what? I think you know what I?m going to say? there is yet another vulnerability in the latest version of java 7. I will not go into any details except with seriously interested buyers.

Code will be sold twice (it has been sold once already). It is not present in any known exploit pack including that very private version of [blackhole] going for 10$k/month. I will accepting counter bids if you wish to outbid the competition. What you get? Unencrypted source files to the exploit (so you can have recrypted as necessary, I would warn you to be cautious who you allow to encrypt? they might try to steal a copy) Encrypted, weaponized version, simply modify the url in the php page that calls up the jar to your own executable url and you are set. You may pm me.

Oh, dear...

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