Games on Xbox One

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I have to disagree with you on this one. I agree Sony PS3 launch was disastrous and was playing catch up, radically changing the console design and function after launch after a changing direction cost them a lot. Based on what I've seen from Sony, they learned a lot of lessons, and since the entertainment division is one of the few revue area's of the company (not the biggest, finical services makes them the most profit) and they seem far more future thinking / responsive to changes then before, time will tell however.


Sony will already be using cloud streaming for backwards compatibility, plus they host several PC MMO's. Sony's no stranger to having server's in the cloud.


With Developers having to plan for the lowest common denominator, including people with poor or unreliable internet, I'm curious to see how many games actually use cloud computing to fullest potential. I expect 1st party / exclusive games to make as much use as they can, Cross platform games may or may not use these features. There will also be games designed around cloud computing to try and show it off as well, will it succeed, again time will tell. Will have to wait and see how it shakes out. 


Also, if you look at my first post, I give Kudios to MS about making cloud computing option pretty much ready to go at launch, which could give Microsoft an early edge on this.

I kind of see what you are trying to say but I was not referring to PS3's hardware problems. It took them years to build PSN to be a respectable service because it was an afterthought compared to XBL and even then it got hacked because of poor implementation. Sony hosting MMOs hasn't helped them and I can't see it helping them here. Why do you think they made a deal with rackspace a few months ago? They wouldn't need rackspace if they had their infrastructure in place.


PS4's main focus is raw specs and horsepower

XBO's main focus is services


They both have their own agenda and it shows.

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MS is not the only company doing cloud based computing stuff properly. Google being the incredibly obvious example of another company who does it properly, but the list literally goes on and on.

So to think MS is the only company capable of doing it is just not realistic at all.


IF Sony is going to eventually implement some similar kind of services is the million dollar question.


I think while all of this sounds incredibly good on paper, it is one of the main reasons that swayed me to preorder the XBox One and Forza 5 actually, we have yet to see how it works in the real world yet and just how much of an affect it actually has in the real world of gaming.


So give it some time, see how relevant it winds up being, and if it is something that gives them a huge advantage, it is safe to say Sony would then look at doing something similar. And they absolutely would be capable of doing so. There are a whole lot of smart people out there at a whole lot of different companies besides MS. Money talks. So while it would take a huge initial investment, it is no doubt possible. 

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So give it some time, see how relevant it winds up being, and if it is something that gives them a huge advantage, it is safe to say Sony would then look at doing something similar. And they absolutely would be capable of doing so. There are a whole lot of smart people out there at a whole lot of different companies besides MS. Money talks. So while it would take a huge initial investment, it is no doubt possible. 



I agree completely, if Sony sees that MS is gaining an advantage over time with this, then they will pursue similar functions.  Now Sony does not have much experience building the software backend for cloud services like MS does with Azure, so they may end up partnering with someone or buying up a company with such experience as they did with Gaikai.


On the flip side, this also applies to MS.  Sony got an early lead to offer streaming gaming buy purchasing Gaikai, so they will be the first to roll out such a service, but there has been enough evidence to show that MS is also working to offer this leveraging their server infrastructure. 


Sony and MS are watching each other closely and its not shocking to see them trading blows and trying to 'out feature' the other guy.

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I agree completely, if Sony sees that MS is gaining an advantage over time with this, then they will pursue similar functions.  Now Sony does not have much experience building the software backend for cloud services like MS does with Azure, so they may end up partnering with someone or buying up a company with such experience as they did with Gaikai.


On the flip side, this also applies to MS.  Sony got an early lead to offer streaming gaming buy purchasing Gaikai, so they will be the first to roll out such a service, but there has been enough evidence to show that MS is also working to offer this leveraging their server infrastructure. 


Sony and MS are watching each other closely and its not shocking to see them trading blows and trying to 'out feature' the other guy.



I agree completely with you on this one.  Both Microsoft and Sony will be paying very, very close attention what the other offers this gen.  But 4yrs of making sure that Azure (which also cost Boatloads of $$$) is up and going and ready world wide for day 1 of release date is no small feat.  I'm not saying that their can't be hiccups, as it's not battle tested for the millions of Live users, but that is still amazing at the thought of 3 Xbox Ones in the cloud for each Xbox One user.  

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The UI looks sick (GIFs from reddit)








Video (OP should have included this)



Can't watch the video just yet, but oh lordy that UI looks beautiful!

I also like the seemless notice of the game clip being recorded, I didn't plan on using that feature but if it is a smooth process I may have to play around with it.

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Can't watch the video just yet, but oh lordy that UI looks beautiful!

I also like the seemless notice of the game clip being recorded, I didn't plan on using that feature but if it is a smooth process I may have to play around with it.


Agreed.  Also watching the video right now - I knew that Kinect could link you up with a controller, but it's pretty cool that if you're playing with a bunch of friends, you can swap controllers around and still be playing your own character because it recognizes you.


I think I'm looking forward to every feature mentioned in that video and I think all together, they make it a much better piece of hardware than the PS4, especially over the long haul.

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MS is not the only company doing cloud based computing stuff properly. Google being the incredibly obvious example of another company who does it properly, but the list literally goes on and on.

So to think MS is the only company capable of doing it is just not realistic at all.


IF Sony is going to eventually implement some similar kind of services is the million dollar question.


I think while all of this sounds incredibly good on paper, it is one of the main reasons that swayed me to preorder the XBox One and Forza 5 actually, we have yet to see how it works in the real world yet and just how much of an affect it actually has in the real world of gaming.


So give it some time, see how relevant it winds up being, and if it is something that gives them a huge advantage, it is safe to say Sony would then look at doing something similar. And they absolutely would be capable of doing so. There are a whole lot of smart people out there at a whole lot of different companies besides MS. Money talks. So while it would take a huge initial investment, it is no doubt possible. 

The initial investment would be too large, the fact that MS own Azure really puts this in their favor. You can't just replicate technologies like HyperVM, which do things like instant instance building with specific purpose from custom application. The maintaining would be too much for Sony (which already don't have a lot of money) and then there's the actual hardware design in the console to support the purpose.


For example, the move engines actually place the responses from Azure straight into RAM without using CPU cycles. The hardware compression used to send game data, receive it removes use of CPU cycles. All in all, its something which MS have been thinking about from the design phase and really have incorporated a real solution for it. Even the white paper goes into the custom protocol used for this which was custom built for this purpose.


Then there's the localisation of this across the globe for suitable latencies. It's just a vast infrastructure. 


This infograph also should be in here:

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