Sup. I'm adapting this solution to a Windows Forms solution. So far I've been able to execute the `Get-WUList` command with no problems. But it doesn't seem to go well with the `Hide-WUUpdate`. This is what I've tried so far:
public class PowerShellController : IPowerShell
//Created at a global scope so anyone can fetch it.
InitialSessionState initial;
RunspaceInvoke scriptInvoker;
Runspace runspace;
PowerShell ps;
//The View to Control
IView view;
//The Helper GridViewProcessor class
IGridViewProcessor gp;
//Initializing the Controller - Loads the Module.
public PowerShellController()
initial = InitialSessionState.CreateDefault();
initial.ImportPSModule(new string[] { @"C:\Users\Jose\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\PSWindowsUpdate\PSWindowsUpdate.psd1" });
scriptInvoker = new RunspaceInvoke();
scriptInvoker.Invoke("Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Scope Process");
runspace = RunspaceFactory.CreateRunspace(initial);
using (ps = PowerShell.Create())
ps.Runspace = runspace;
//Console.WriteLine("Please Wait. This will take a while to load.");
public void SetView(IView view, IGridViewProcessor gp)
this.view = view; = gp;
public void GetAvailableUpdates()
MessageBox.Show("Ok. The program will kind of hang. This is normal." +
"This Means that it will start looking for updates "
IEnumerable<PSObject> WUList; //Placeholder for the PS Executed Command
using (ps = PowerShell.Create())
//Adds the PowerShell Command
//Executes the PowerShell command
WUList = ps.Invoke();
//Loads the Model - Can be later on rewritten for Ninject Support.
List<WindowsUpdate> model = new List<WindowsUpdate>();
int id = 1;
foreach (PSObject result in WUList)
WindowsUpdate item = new WindowsUpdate
Id = id,
Name = result.Members["Title"].Value.ToString(),
Size = result.Members["Size"].Value.ToString(),
Type = UpdateType.Undefined,
id++; //Icnrease ID count
//Console.WriteLine("Update Name {0} --- Size: {1}", result.Members["Title"].Value.ToString(), result.Members["Size"].Value.ToString());
//Adds it to the view:
public void HideSelectedUpdates(DataGridView grid)
//Gets SelectedUpdates to the WindowsUpdate model
var SelectedUpdates = gp.GetSelectedUpdates(grid);
using (ps = PowerShell.Create())
foreach (var update in SelectedUpdates)
ps.Commands.AddCommand("Hide-WUUpdate").AddParameter("Title",update.Name).AddParameter("Confirm", false);
//ps.Commands.AddCommand("Hide-WUUpdate -Title \""+update.Name+"\"");
var result = ps.Invoke();
MessageBox.Show("Updates Have been hidden");
The method I can't seem to work is the `HideSelectedUpdates(DataGridView grid)`.
Script gets executed and no exceptions are thrown, but it doesn't seem to reflect any changes at all.
Sup. I'm adapting this solution to a Windows Forms solution. So far I've been able to execute the `Get-WUList` command with no problems. But it doesn't seem to go well with the `Hide-WUUpdate`. This is what I've tried so far:
The method I can't seem to work is the `HideSelectedUpdates(DataGridView grid)`.
Script gets executed and no exceptions are thrown, but it doesn't seem to reflect any changes at all.
Any suggestions?
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