Disable Nautilus desktop handling

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A quite essential hack as this seems to be a frequently asked question.

By default, Nautilus takes control over the desktop with icons and
right-click-menus. Quite a lot of users don't like this, and used to disable
this setting in the preferences with earlier versions of N. 

With Nautilus 2.2 this preference was removed from the gui.

To disable this now, use gconftool and set a certain option to false (or find,
create and disable the relevant option in gconf-editor)

gconftool -t bool /apps/nautilus/preferences/show_desktop -s false

source : http://jodrell.net/gnome-hacks/hacks.html?id=8

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  • 5 years later...

Update for Gnome 2.28 and up:

Because of a regression caused by bugfix, you need also set:

gconftool -t bool /apps/nautilus/preferences/exit_with_last_window -s false



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