U.S. Troop Eats Iraqi Spider

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Dude thats crazy, I would never eat a spider. Or anything Iraqi  :x


They must have been very bored.

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He didn't actually eat the spider. He put it is his mouth, started freaking out, then spit it out. lol :laugh:


Either way, you wouldn't see me doing that :rofl:

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while I don't remember the species name I know that particular spider is poisonous..to what extent I don't know .. but anything that ugly wouldn't be anywhere near my mouth to begin with hehe

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It was a small one too. I'm sure it was a late night where they had the weekend off and some guy caught the spider running around. He probably then made some sort of bet to eat the spider. Typical frat boy stuff.

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Probably one of these. Nasty beasts. Commonly called 'Camel Spiders'. While ugly, not as horrible as they are made out. They just get quite big. :x


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if the spider is male then that makes the 2nd thing male and iraqi that the us troops put in thier mouths


Your mother is in the military? :rolleyes:

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Your mother is in the military?  :rolleyes:


haha thanks mugwhump that is a new one i never heard before. way to show off the originality part of your brain

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haha thanks mugwhump that is a new one i never heard before. way to show off the originality part of your brain


Well, you seem rather simple-minded...I didn't want to use any terms or analogies that might confuse or frustrate you. Believe me, I had your own best interests at heart.

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dont they have ones bigger than that their?

WARNING: Graphic Photographgy

          mans finger split open due to spider bite


camel spider  :x  :x

omg wow,


That's not a camel spider bite. I believe that's a brown recluse bite. Much, much worse than a camel spider bite.

Brown recluse are vicious.


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Wow my friend is the one behind the camera. He sent it into college humor and its ended up all over the web.


Prove it :rolleyes:

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Prove it :rolleyes:


I'll ask him if he wants me posting a link to his online photo storage there's a few more pictures of him eating it on there. They are stationed in Tikrit right now part of the 42nd.

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