Need help translating this to win a bet

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Hi there.

I was stupid enough to make a bet about translating stuff. But i cant find any help on the net on what this means. Dunno what language it's in either. Looks like some middle-east country or something but not sure. Can any of you guys help me win this one :)

This is what i need translated:

شفت البحركديش كبيرلوكان كلو زيت كديش بدو زعتر؟ هلكد مشتاكل

Thanks in advance. :) :)

It's Arabic but written very poorly, it translates too:

"You see the sea, so big, imagine it's all made of oil, how much thyme it'll need? that's how much I miss you"

I tried my best to form a sentence that make sense as much as possible, and you know, "thyme" is a kind of plants very popular in Lebanon and Syria, very delicious too :D you eat it with bread covered by a bit of olives oil.

It's Arabic but written very poorly, it translates too:

"You see the sea, so big, imagine it's all made of oil, how much thyme it'll need? that's how much I miss you"

I tried my best to form a sentence that make sense as much as possible, and you know, "thyme" is a kind of plants very popular in Lebanon and Syria, very delicious too :D you eat it with bread covered by a bit of olives oil.

So it shouldn't be in Neobahn? :p

That's purdy.

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