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I found very nice program and since I haven't found any info at NeoWin I thought I will share with you what I have found.

D3DWindower is application to emulate DirectX behaviour - It's capable to run games written DX9 too.

If you like to often switch between apps, internet browser, instant messenger and game this app is for you !

Unfortnately D3DWindower is in Japaneese but little bit translated version (optionss) exists aswell

You can download D3DWindower from homepage: http://www.geocities.jp/menopem/

You can download English version here: http://rapidshare.com/files/72847117/D3DWi...nglish.rar.html

Enjoy as I do:

I enjoy playing Fallout 2 in window, and after applying to F2 resolution hack it looks great. ;)

I attachd my example.


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That's a bit of an ignorant statement to make. While I'm sure a lot of people will use something like this for that purpose, a lot of people (including myself) will use it for much more practical reasons.

Particularly in this day and age of multicore processors, multitasking is much better than it used to be. Plus, a lot of older games (Think games like Theme Hospital) just don't support windowed mode, I guess it just wasn't the done thing a few years ago and it has actually prevented me from playing them just because I can't easily switch back and forth from application to application.

Perhaps I'm just too casual a gamer these days, but I need that ability or I just can't play the game and this tool is perfect for it.

So for as much as it may harm some online games, it'll also benefit them because people like me will be more likely to play them.

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The 1 or 2 seconds gets annoying. I typically alt-tab several times a minute. It's a bit mad, but it's just how I've always done things, it works better for me. SO in the course of 10mins, I end up waiting for about 1 or 2mins, so it's a big deal to me.

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  • 1 month later...

Uh hi, I just got this program too. I'm having problems w/ it though. I'm trying to change the Freestyle Basketball Online from full screen to window screen like that. However, when I choose the options box after choosing the program, I put 800x600 and click OK. Somehow it doesn't work. Just wondering if I have to do anything else besides putting the lengthxwidth. Thanks.

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  • 1 year later...
  • 8 months later...

Man I"ve spent all day trying to get the original Fallout to run in windowed mode on Windows 7 64-bit.

Any chance you could post a tutorial on how you managed this...?

I've tried D3Windower, running it and the FO exe in compatibility mode as admin and still no go.

I found very nice program and since I haven't found any info at NeoWin I thought I will share with you what I have found.

D3DWindower is application to emulate DirectX behaviour - It's capable to run games written DX9 too.

If you like to often switch between apps, internet browser, instant messenger and game this app is for you !

Unfortnately D3DWindower is in Japaneese but little bit translated version (optionss) exists aswell

You can download D3DWindower from homepage: http://www.geocities.jp/menopem/

You can download English version here: http://rapidshare.com/files/72847117/D3DWi...nglish.rar.html

Enjoy as I do:

I enjoy playing Fallout 2 in window, and after applying to F2 resolution hack it looks great. ;)

I attachd my example.

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  • 1 month later...

I lost old setting but just tested this one quick:

run d2d windower,

add fallout2.exe,

select it, set up options,

press play button (to start emulation mode)

press computer icon (to start game)

Options I use:

in Common tab: only Use Windowed Mode is selected

in Window Mode: DirectX 1-7,8-9, DDraw Colour (both), DDraw Primary Blt - selected

in Foreground tab: all unselected

Direct Input tab: use direct input selected only

As a result I got now window in the top left corner, but cannot move it, probably needs to tweak settings here and there, but it runs in window, check it out and have fun finding out other options ;)

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 years later...

Sorry for Necroing this thread,

is there any known patch to disable the "DirectDraw Spy Window" portion of D3DWindower?

that window will pop out if you press the "Pause" key while the window-ed game was running,

that sometimes interferes what the game currently doing.

i don't mind hex-editing the D3dHook.dll or the .EXE to achieve the intended result.

D3DWindower version i have: v1.88 English patch.

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