Change icon size for List/Detail/Mosaic/Tile View in Explorer for XP

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That's it people

I want to change the icon size for the differents views in explorer in Windows XP. As you know you can choose the resolution of the icons in the desktop, but it doesnt changes the icon size in the explorer.

I can't find any program or option for doing this

I really want to have 32x32 icon size for details and list view and for example 128x128 or 96x96 for mosaic/tile view. Don't worry because I have build a shell32.dll with icons in higher resolution.

Anyone knows how to do it???? I prefer doing that without any third program, manually changing register


in regedit go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\WindowMetrics

Shell Icon Size = for normal icon and tile view (default is 32. desktop, explorer win)

Shell Small Icon Size* = for the list view, details view. + it changes the addressbar icon, new menu icons, taskpanel: other places icons, folder tree icons size as well.

*= this one doesn't exist by default. you need to create this string value.

  dis said:
in regedit go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\WindowMetrics

Shell Icon Size = for normal icon and tile view (default is 32. desktop, explorer win)

Shell Small Icon Size* = for the list view, details view. + it changes the addressbar icon, new menu icons, taskpanel: other places icons, folder tree icons size as well.

*= this one doesn't exist by default. you need to create this string value.

Thanks!!!! That's half great!! I explain...

The Shell Icon Size works half great!! It works in Normal Icon View (i see my icons in 96x96 for example) but doesnt work in Tile View (I see the icons in 48x48) Other big problem is that the icons on the save/open... dialogs shows in 96x96 and its too big You know how can I apply the 96x96 (or resolution choosen) only in Icon and Mosaic/Tile View???

The new Shell Small Icon Size works also half great. It shows the exact resolution I choose in List and Details view but in adress toolbar (I think its its name in english) in explorer win or save/open/... dialogs box shows also 32x32 icons and it doesnt fit so well with the rest of fonts and sizes. How can I fix it?

You see all the new appareance here...

By the way!! Thanks a lot for your answer!

PD: Sorry if my english hurts your ears!

Edited by Maeggor
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