Ubuntu to (finally) drop Human theme

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In an YouTube interview with the Dell "vlog" recorded just yesterday Mark Shuttleworth revealed that a brand spanking new 'light' theme will becoming the new default theme in Ubuntu, replacing the 5 year old Human theme.

The snippet from the interview:

We'll have some new styling which is going to be the starting point of another five year view. We've been Human for the last five years and now we're going to be light oriented.


Awesome news. What he says about a light theme probably has some background in the recently launched Ubuntu Single Sign-On website, which doesn't look Human at all:


And the first previews of the Ubuntu One Music Store:


Anyway, better late than never.

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  On 20/02/2010 at 13:32, Mephistopheles said:
What. A Ubuntu release without a faeces brown default theme? Blasphemy. ;)

Ubuntu was only brown in 4.10, 5.04, 5.10 and 9.10. And I have no problem with that. Brown + White/Plastique provides decent contrast, unlike that ****ing Orange + White/Plastique they keep pushing around.

The article doesn't imply that they will be changing the colors, but changing the overall appearance. I don't personally ever see them ditching their color base as that is what defines "ubuntu".... Everyone knows those crappy colors lol

Good to see a change in their default choice. Keep things fresh (not that we couldn't change it)

  On 20/02/2010 at 13:39, PureLegend said:

Ubuntu music store? What's that, like FLAC and OGG songs? Nice.

Not really, it's 7Digital in the background, so effectively they depend on their service, and I know 7Digital doesn't provide Ogg (as of now), not too sure about FLAC.

  On 20/02/2010 at 13:55, pezzonovante said:

Blue FTW.

Fedora wants you.

Anyway, I reeeeeeally hope it's an Elementary spin of some sorts with ubuntuish colours, grey and orange mix hell of a lot better than brown and orange.

  On 20/02/2010 at 14:39, logiosasuna said:

I dont agree personally with the move but...

It looks like they are just making it non-default. Despite the image in the first post with the crossed-off theme, it does not sound like it is being completely removed from the wording.

  On 20/02/2010 at 14:29, tiagosilva29 said:


Looks like 320kbps MP3 files, no DRM... f(~_~)

MP3 instead of AAC? that's a bit silly.

MP3 costs more and is of a lower quality than AAC (being much older, that isn't really surprising)

I'd prefer it to be in Vorbis over MP3.

I wouldn't expect them to remove it completely, since it's a past identity.

Windows still has classic. *shrug*

And I assume the store is mp3 format because thats what the labels want them to use.

  On 20/02/2010 at 14:55, PureLegend said:
How is AAC more restrictive than MP3? I was under the impression that AAC was more free than MP3...

AAC is technologically better.

More free than MP3?

Same **** to me.

I like to dance with no fetter.

  On 20/02/2010 at 14:57, The_Decryptor said:
#FF00FF or #00FF00

Calling it now.


  On 20/02/2010 at 14:29, tiagosilva29 said:

Looks like 320kbps MP3 files, no DRM... f(~_~)

Hang on, don't you need to install the restricted extras to enable MP3 support?

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