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The show will definitely not be for everyone. I haven't seen it yet (not here in Norway til May (curses!)), but if it's even remotely like the books then it's going to be very dense and complicated: it's not popcorn TV in other words. There is some battles and fighting, but it's just as much about political intrigue and plotting etc.

And yes, it's going to be 10 episode seasons per book (HBO don't generally do the 20+ episode seasons like NBC etc do), although there's some hope that season 3 (book 3) might get more episodes as it's a huge book, and in paperback form was split in two for european publication in order to keep the font at a reasonable size.

If you enjoy the TV series and are a reader, I would highly recommend reading the books. No other book or book series has had me off my chair and on my feet staring disbelievingly at the page more than these, as cliched as that sounds.

  On 02/05/2011 at 10:07, Ji@nBing said:

I actually really enjoyed this episode. I don't know why, but with this one I kind of just "got it".

yeah same, I preferred this episode to any of them so far

this guy > everyone else


  On 03/05/2011 at 01:39, Rappy said:



Lol Rappy, what are the odds. Goes to show shes taking the time to invest in her fans as she is unknown to mainstream media.

As for Imp, I would have never thought a the midget would be so grandeur, philosophical, and kindhearted. He truly transcends the show to a higher level of meaning with all the primal motives and themes playing around him.

  On 04/05/2011 at 16:49, BoDEAN said:

For those who saw the FIRST episode, can you give me a quick rundown on what happened at the end? Who was that little kid? Is the lady that was engaged in the sex scene, the kings wife?

Marked as spolier for those who haven't watched the series yet ;)

He was Eddard Stark's son, Bran, and he caught Queen Cersei having sex with her brother Jaime Lannister.

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