Job Application

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Hey, I would greatly appreciate your help. I'm taking one of those personality tests for a job application and I take them very seriously because I know they're pretty important and I came across one that I did not know how to answer. Please help if you can,

"You have a good word for everyone"

-Stongly Disagree



-Strongly Agree

Does this mean that I encourage others? Thanks everyone in advance!

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I dunno, double edged sword... It could be taken either as you see the best in people, which is good, however, you ONLY see the best in people, ie, in management you cannot critically asses someone for say reliability or quality.

I'd say it's more likely the first, but personally would put "agree" just in case.

PS: I seriously doubt they'd not give you the job based on one answer though, it's probably just a screening to weed out any complete nut jobs than a full personal analysis, lol.

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It's a psychometric assessment. Don't give them the answers you think they want, they will be able to recognise that you have done this and you won't get the position.

You need to be able to see the good in people, that's a given - and that's what this is asking. How easy is it for you to see someone's good points, or do you let personal feelings cloud your judgement?

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"The answer they want"... These tests DO NOT look at individual answers. They take them all and are then computed against. They see where you contradict yourself, where you prioritise, etc.

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Yeah, I try to answer all of them perfectly. I have read that you must only answer Strongly Agree or Strongly Disagree.

"Disagree" or "Agree" are NEVER the right answer to any question, even though any sensible person will have mixed feelings about all these questions.

What about this one??

"You believe people should take care of themselves"

Strongly agree?

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You seriously have to ask on Neowin for the answers? I don't think you should be getting a job :\


I would say No, other people should take care of me

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