After being pulled from Steam back in June following widespread complaints regarding the high requirements and numerous bugs present within the game - rendering it unplayable - Warner Bros. has once again released Batman: Arkham Knight for PC. The game is now available for $49.99 on Steam, with buyers getting other Arkham games for free as part of the bundle as well.
Warner Bros. states:
To kick things off, we will be giving away FREE digital copies of games from the Batman: Arkham library. This means we will be giving away copies of Batman: Arkham Asylum GOTY, Batman: Arkham City GOTY, Batman: Arkham Origins, and Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate. The Batman: Arkham library of games will be given to everyone who has already purchased or will purchase Batman: Arkham Knight for PC prior to 11:59 pm PDT, November 16, 2015. We’re actively working with our partners at Valve to make this happen as soon as we can, so watch your Steam Library. We are aiming to deliver all of the games by December.
Moreover, Rocksteady will also be creating a new "Community Challenge Pack" DLC which will be offered as a freebie in 2016. As a bonus, Steam buyers will get these maps one week ahead of console owners.

The company also states:
[...] We are thrilled to announce that we are working with Valve and the Team Fortress 2 team for a special cross-game promotion. Through November 16, 2015, Valve will be running a contest for the Steam community to create Batman: Arkham themed cosmetic items for Team Fortress 2. The winning items will be given out to those who purchased Batman: Arkham Knight on Steam before the end of the contest.
However, Warner Bros. has warned that the game may not run optimally on some systems. The company has clarified that:
We are still working with our GPU partners to add full support for SLI and Crossfire. In addition, we are working with these partners to address stability issues on certain cards related to the latest drivers.
After extensive testing, a hard drive paging issue with some GPUs on Windows 7 may occur after extended gameplay sessions. If you encounter this, simply re-launching the game will resolve the issue.
For Windows 10 users, we’ve found that having at least 12GB of system RAM on a PC allows the game to operate without paging and provides a smoother gameplay experience.
Additionally, the publisher is also selling Batman: Arkham Knight along with its Season Pass for $89.99, offering buyers loads of post-release downloadable content. The game will also be available for purchase for Mac and Linux users in Spring 2016.
Source: Warner Bros. via Windows Central
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