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Eidos to create "The Italian Job" game

If you've never seen the original 1969 film "The Italian Job" it's a blast! Rent it if you can!

Michael Cane starred in the tale of a bunch of crooks who steal a whole load of gold, and using Mini Coopers, they are intent on transporting the gold out of an Italian city crippled by traffic lights on the fritz, with some of the best driving scenes and car stunts of it's time in good olde Mini's!

The moderm day version, "The Italian Job" is about mastermind thief Charlie Croker (played by Mark Wahlberg), who pulls off an amazing gold bullion heist from a heavily guarded palazzo in Venice, Italy, only to be double-crossed by one of his crew, Steve (Edward Norton).

Seeking revenge, Charlie recruits Stella (Charlize Theron), a beautiful nerves-of-steel safe cracker. Together with his former gang, Charlie and Stella follow the backstabber to California where they plan to re-steal the gold by manipulating traffic signals and creating havoc on the streets of Los Angeles.

With the remake of this classic 1969 film, Paramount is planning on using state-of-the-art chase scenes on sidewalks and through subways in the new Mini Cooper to revamp this old classic.

Eidos have today been signed to produce a video game based on the film "The Italian Job". The film is scheduled for a May/June 2003 release, Eidos is aiming to benefit from the film's marketing and success by releasing the game around the theatrical window.

As Mike McGarvey, ceo of Eidos says "'The Italian Job' is a very strong property and has all the elements that will enable us to produce a great game." The film is widely anticipated to be one of this year's biggest movies.

News source: ComingSoon.net,

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