InfoWars' infamous host and popular right wing conspiracy theorist Alex Jones' Facebook account has been suspended for 30 days because some of its video content was said to be violating community standards.

The suspension only affects Jones' own Facebook account and not that of InfoWars', which can continue to post videos of such nature until it faces the same sort of consequences. This move coming hot on the heels of the removal of the very same videos by YouTube from InfoWars' channel - the subscriber count for which exceeds 2.4 million - along with a 90-day ban preventing it from broadcasting live videos.
The Facebook community guidelines in question state that content that encourages physical harm to others based on their religious or gender identity is forbidden. According to a statement by a Facebook spokesperson to CNET,
"In this case, we received reports related to four different videos on the Pages that Infowars and Alex Jones maintain on Facebook. We reviewed the content against our Community Standards and determined that it violates. All four videos have been removed from Facebook."
Moreover, Facebook added that Jones' account was quite close to the point where it may face permanent deletion from the social network. There has been no comment yet from InfoWars regarding Facebook's actions so far, though their official response to the YouTube video removal was a result of the channel being "critical of liberalism".
These measures aren't coming out of left field, as both Facebook and YouTube have taken heat for quite some time over its inaction against Jones' harmful rhetoric where he, for instance, claims that the Sandy Hook school shooting - where 20 children were murdered - was staged by actors, and that 9/11 was planned by the U.S. Government.
Source: CNET| Image: A Miner Detail
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