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Firefox's Privacy Notice just got a lot easier to read

Mozilla has announced a new revision to its Firefox Privacy Notice, typically, a new privacy notice wouldn’t be particularly newsworthy, however, in the case of Mozilla, a company which pushes itself as a privacy advocate, it’s managed to do something quite spectacular – make it’s privacy policy that's readable!

With the updated privacy notice, Mozilla has included a layered design to show what it collects, why it collects it, where you can learn more and what your choices are. The company has updated the language used in the policy to be more specific and transparent. Topics (e.g. Sync) now separate the type of data collected into different sections in order to make the document more readable, some examples include “technical” data, “interaction” data, “webpage” data, and “location” data. In short, it’s extremely easy to digest.

In the past, Mozilla has had separate privacy notices for cloud features like Sync, in order to make things easier to find, all the services that come with Firefox are put into the new, singular, privacy notice. On desktop platforms which support it, Mozilla has started to add the ability to link the user directly to the appropriate user preferences to quickly access and adjust privacy controls.

All new Firefox installations shall pop open a second tab which redirects to the new privacy notice; in truth, most people still won’t read it, but for those who do, their lives have just gotten a whole lot easier.

Source: Mozilla

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