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Google CEO Larry Page says company should change its mission statement [Update]

Update: Since this article was published, Google has reached out to Neowin to clarify that the company's mission statement - as stated here - is "to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful". Google says that is this mission statement to which Page was referring, and not the "don't be evil" mantra, as The Guardian claimed.

Original article:

Google's guiding principle in all that it does is "don't be evil", a slogan that has, inevitably, been mocked over the years, particularly as issues of user privacy have gradually gained more widespread attention in recent times. But according to Google CEO Larry Page, the company has now outgrown its "don't be evil" mantra, and its accompanying "make the world a better place" mission statement.

Google logo on white background

But if it's outgrown these principles, then what comes next? That's a tricky question, and it's one that even Larry Page can't answer, telling The Financial Times: "We're still trying to work that out."

But Page says that Google remains committed to those principles, even if it has outgrown them, and that it has no plans to abandon its goal to "organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful".

"We're in a bit of uncharted territory," he said. "We're trying to figure it out. How do we use all these resources... and have a much more positive impact on the world?"

Page added that Google will use its resources to push beyond today's limitations and to flirt with the forefront of tomorrow's technologies through its Google X labs and various other projects, such as self-driving cars, robotics, biotechnology and Google Glass.

So what should Google's new mantra be? Share your suggestions in the comments below - but let's keep it good-natured, folks...!

Source: The Financial Times via The Guardian

Editor's note: The headline and front page summary of this article were changed after publication to reflect clarifications provided to us by Google.

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