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Mozilla fans rig Poll on Neowin

We were both surprised and baffled when we saw a dramatic increase in support for the Mozilla browser here on the poll so much so that it had jumped from 600 to over 7000 votes leaving IE behind with just over 3000 votes.

A sharp eyed reader (who is new to Neowin, Welcome TitanIII!) was able to shed light on the sudden increase of support with his post on the forum:

    Cheating is what it is. There are, and have been, several posts at a mozilla based forum (including mozilla.org newsgroups) telling people to about the poll at neowin and to go vote. Examples being:

    Mozillazine Forum Posts and Mozilla Newsgroup Posts

So there you have it. That poll is
disqualified and we have decided to disable anonymous voting. Unregistered users will see results but will not be able to participate in the vote. (This follows an earlier decision where we had to disable anonymous commenting because of mis-use)

Feel free to comment on what you think would make a good poll, keep it clean ;) and who knows your idea might make the next poll where only registered users can participate.

Related Link: Get Internet Explorer 6

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