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Rockstar Games Presents Table Tennis

Rockstar Games, infamous for the Grand Theft Auto series is releasing a game which is far less likely to cause any controversy. The Table Tennis title is being released for the Xbox 360, at a price tag of $40, which is cheaper than most games on the console.

By simply coming from Rockstar, this game has had a lot of press. It doesn't have to do a lot to impress here; it just has to be a good representation of ping pong table tennis. The concept of knocking a ball back and forth using paddles has had a long and storied history in the gaming world, so revisiting the idea in a next-generation setting will at least show us if the game mechanic has some legs left in it.

While most sports games go overboard with options and features, Table Tennis goes the opposite, with an almost bare-bones set of game play types. There's no all-encompassing career mode that lets you create a player and take them through the ranks, nor any sort of long-running season type for some sort of world championship. Instead, the lone single player options are both basic exhibition matches (that also can be played in a 2-player offline setup) and 4 different elimination tournaments with increasing difficulty. Naturally Xbox Live support is included but there's no kind of doubles play so it's just one-on-one battles with friends or strangers.

News source: Ars Technica

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