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Russian hacker gets 3-year sentence

Russian hacker, lured to the United States by the FBI under the ruse of a job interview in a case that prompted a sharp rebuke from Moscow, was sentenced Friday to three years in prison for computer crime.

The case represents the first time the FBI successfully enticed people of high-tech crimes to come to the United States, and its first "extra-territorial seizure of digital evidence," according to the agency and U.S. Department of Justice.

It is also the first time a U.S. agency has been formally accused of hacking into a foreign computer network, as the bureau downloaded evidence off suspects' computer networks in Russia, they added.

The federal judge in the case rejected the prosecutor's request that the 27-year-old hacker, Vasiliy Gorshkov, serve at least 16 years, said defense attorney John Lundin. Gorshkov also was ordered to pay restitution of about $690,000, he said.

News source: CNet News - Russian hacker gets 3-year sentence

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